
Implementation of DEvelopmentAl Learning (IDEAL) Course

Home » 2. Sensorimotor paradigm » 24. Trace analysis

Behavioral analysis of an interactionally motivated agent

Table 24 shows the trace you should see in the console if you ran Existence020. If you did not run it, you can refer to the pseudocode presented in Table 23 to understand this trace.

Table 24: Activity trace of a rudimentary interactionally motivated agent.

0: e1r1 PAINED
1: e2r2 PLEASED
2: e2r2 PLEASED
3: e2r2 PLEASED
4: e2r2 PLEASED
5: e2r2 PLEASED
6: e2r2 PLEASED

For Lesson 2, your activity is to understand the trace listed in Table 24. Why is the agent pained on Cycle 0? What does the agent do on Cycle 1? What will be the agent's mood after Cycle 6? If we initialize the interaction e1r1 with a positive valence and re-run the algorithm, what behavior do we obtain?

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