TIGA Projet

The “Think @do tank action for Sciences, Societies and Industry” aims to identify, prototype, experiment and develop innovative methods and tools for industrial mediation within 3 years. It aims to identify scientific obstacles and propose innovative solutions (material, digital and methodological supports) for a easy and continuous interaction between actors on territories. It will bring a higher level of knowledge on the ecosystem of industrial mediation, working methodologies and open and evolving knowledge bases. This action engages a dynamic which aims to be part of the sustainability, beyond the TIGA Lyon Saint-Etienne project, to become a permanent laboratory of co-creation, research-action and interactions between the actors of the territory. It relies on territorial partner structures, including industrial mediation actors, and will propose methods and tools to other interested partners. This action has a wide target: mediations, interaction between stakeholders… More information can be found here (in French)