Augmented Mockup for mediation

The Metropole of Grand Lyon is developing an ambitious open data policy based on the acquisition and organization of open territorial data. This centralization allows the animation and co-creation of services for the benefit of public uses and the smart city of tomorrow. The objective of this project is to set up a 4D model (3D + Time) favoring the use of data and their appropriation by users. Numerous use cases are possible and can range from supporting change from a changing neighborhood to help decision-making or risk awareness, for example.

To initiate this collaborative project between the Grand Lyon Métropole (with Erasme Urban Lab, DINSI, …) and LabEx IMU (ELICO, EVS and LIRIS Lab), it required the installation of an expanded model of the territory. The goal is nevertheless to think at the same time the creation of opportunities for use through a team of computer scientists, object designers, mediation specialists, content gamification specialists. The necessary skills around the student are multiple. Erasme will bring their expertise in product design, content ludification and animate the phases of ideation around the chosen uses. Their expertise in designing and constructing physical devices will be of real added value.

The data science expertise of LIRIS in collaboration with Grand Lyon Metrople (DINSI) and their representations will allow better apprehension of the data and also bring all the necessary expertise to the construction of spatio-temporal models.

Elico and EVS Research lab will provide expertise on mediation, collaboration and crowdsourcing. The aim is to define two or three use cases that will allow, alongside designers and mediation specialists, to prefigure the model, the possible interactions and the scenario to be put in place.

SPL Confluence is providing data as well as a mock-up and participates in the creation of possible use-cases.