UD-Serv: Urban Data Server side
UD-Serv is a collection of server-side toolkits that can be used for converting, analysing and deriving urban data. As stated on the UD-Serv (github) software repository UD-Serv is a collection of server-side tools for converting and analysing urban data.
UD-Serv offers tools like
the purpose of this component is to handle, and serve through web services , various types of city related data in the context of Urban Data Services and Visualisation (UD-SV). The API currently offers web service access to some of the following types of resources :
- Documents (file and metadata)
- Guided tours (sequences of documents with additional texts)
- Links between documents and other (city) objects
- User accounts and rights
City 3DTiles tilers
3DTiles, as described by Cesium , is an open specification for sharing, visualizing, fusing, and interacting with massive heterogenous 3D geospatial content.
UD-Serv offers different kinds of “3DTiles tilers” that take a set of CityGML files (version 2.0, XML format) and processes them to yield 3DTiles tilesets.
For example ComputeLyon3DTilesTemporal is a processing pipeline that yields 3D Tiles tilesets extended with the temporal extension and capturing the evolutive range of the city of Lyon accross various data snapshot vintages ranging from 2009 to 2015.
The ExtractCityData tool allows to process a 3DCityDB database in order to create a materialized view of buildings (encountered in the database) constituted by their building identifiers, their geometry and optionally their year of construction and year of demolition.
CityGML utility scripts
Some modest yet useful helpers, working at the CityGML (version 2.0) file level like:
- CityGML2Stripper strips a CityGML (XML)file from its “appearances” and generic attributes and serializes the result back into a new CityGML (XML) file.
- CityGMLBuildingBlender takes a set of CityGML input files, collects all their buildings and gathers them within a single CityGML resulting file.
More on UD-Serv: refer to UD-Serv public repository