Multi-scale representation and visualisation of territories

Representation and visualization at different scales is another important research topic. The focus of study on a larger scale is different from that on a lower scale. For example, when the focus is inside the interiors of a building, the users may be interested in representing and visualizing the equipment like taps, electric wires, water pipes, etc. At the city scale, the users may be interested in representing and visualizing the buildings, transport infrastructures, electric grids, etc. However, urban maintainers do not wish to completely separate the equipment at a building level from the information at higher scales since it is crucial to ensure the proper flow of electricity, water, etc. Therefore, users require features to smoothly navigate and switch between different scales without changing the context of their study.


Clement Colin, John Samuel, Sylvie Servigne, Y Miloudi, Gilles Gesquière. Visualisation d’équipements de la maintenance à l’aide de données geospatiales. Les journées Françaises de l’Informatique Graphique (JFIG) 2021, Nov 2021, Sophia-antipolis, France.