MEPP2 Project
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FEVV Namespace Reference

Interfaces for plugins These interfaces will be used for different plugins. More...




struct  _PMap_traits
struct  _PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::edge_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::face_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::face_material_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::face_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_tangent_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_texcoord_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::edge_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::face_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::face_material_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::face_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::halfedge_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::halfedge_texcoord_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_tangent_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_texcoord_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::edge_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::face_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::face_material_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::face_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::halfedge_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::halfedge_texcoord_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_tangent_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_texcoord_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::vertex_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::vertex_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, FEVV::vertex_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, FEVV::vertex_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::edge_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::face_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::face_material_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::face_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::halfedge_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::halfedge_texcoord_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::mesh_guiproperties_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::mesh_materials_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_tangent_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_texcoord_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::edge_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::face_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::face_material_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::face_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::halfedge_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::halfedge_texcoord_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_normal_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_tangent_t >
struct  _PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_texcoord_t >
class  AIF_mesh_kernel_generator
 AIF specialization. Refer to for concrete usage . More...
class  Assert
 This class may be used to draw Asserts in your code. More...
class  Assoc_property_map
class  BaseAdapterVisu
class  BaseAdapterVisuQt
class  BasePlugin
class  BasePluginDialogQt
 This class is intended to provide a help message to plugins dialogs. More...
class  BasePluginQt
 This class is intended to provide some standard message boxes to all plugins. More...
class  BaseViewer
class  BaseViewerOSG
class  BaseWindow
class  BaseWindowQt
class  Block
 This class may be used to draw blocks in your code. It will show the elapsed time between the begin and the end of the block. Many blocks can be used in the same time, differentiate by a unique identifier (string). More...
class  BooleanOperationsPlugin
struct  CGALItem
class  CGALPointSetColor
class  CMDMDialog
class  CMDMPlugin
class  Color
class  CompressionValencePlugin
struct  Construct_color
class  CopyGraphDialog
class  CopyGraphPlugin
class  CurvaturePlugin
class  DataVisitor
class  DecompressionValencePlugin
class  DialogBooleanOperations1
class  DialogCompressionValence1
class  DialogCurvature1
class  DialogDecompressionValence1
class  DialogJnd1
class  DialogMSDM21
class  DialogScaling1
struct  Edge_pmap_traits
struct  Edge_pmap_traits< AIFMesh, ValueT >
struct  Edge_pmap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, ValueT >
struct  Edge_pmap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, ValueT >
struct  Edge_pmap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, ValueT >
struct  Face_pmap_traits
struct  Face_pmap_traits< AIFMesh, ValueT >
struct  Face_pmap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, ValueT >
struct  Face_pmap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, ValueT >
struct  Face_pmap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, ValueT >
class  Generic_PluginInterface
class  Geometry_traits
 Refer to Geometry_traits_documentation_dummy for further documentation on provided types and algorithms (if for example you are looking on what you need to provide when realizing a new specialization). If you are trying to understand what this Geometry_traits class is about, just consider Geometry_traits as a generic definition whose only purpose is to provide an anchoring point for a unified geometry interface. The Geometry_traits template class is used through template specializations. More...
class  Geometry_traits< Mesh, CGAL::Cartesian< T1 > >
 OpenMesh specialization of the Geometry_traits generic class. For usage refer to Geometry traits documentation . More...
class  Geometry_traits< Mesh, CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel >
 OpenMesh specialization of the Geometry_traits generic class. For usage refer to Geometry traits documentation . More...
class  Geometry_traits< MeshT, AIF_mesh_kernel_generator >
 AIF specialization of the Geometry_traits generic class. For usage refer to Geometry traits documentation . More...
class  Geometry_traits< MeshT, PCLPointCloud_kernel_generator >
 PCLPointCloud specialization of the Geometry_traits generic class. For usage refer to Geometry traits documentation . More...
class  Geometry_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< T >, T >
 OpenMesh specialization of the Geometry_traits generic class. For usage refer to Geometry traits documentation . More...
class  Geometry_traits_documentation_dummy
 Documentation (as a template dummy class) of Geometry_traits. More...
class  Geometry_traits_for_cgal
 Many mesh representations of CGLA, e.g. CGAL::Exact_predicate_inexact_construction_kernel and CGAL::Cartesian<double> have compatible kernels (i.e. kernels exposing the same geometry related traits). Hence their respective Geometry_traits template specializations will define exactly the same code. In order to avoid code replication this Geometry_traits_for_cgal class "factorizes" the code that will be shared by CGAL meshes sharing such a common kernel structure. The various CGAL meshes needing simply inherit from this class like. More...
struct  GeometryConcept
 An elementary concept check Geometry_traits specializations Boost Concept Check Library (BCCL) More...
class  GradientColorMap
 This templated class may be used to (linearly) convert scalar values in a given range into a color in a gradient defined by two or more colors. More...
struct  Halfedge_pmap_traits
struct  Halfedge_pmap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, ValueT >
struct  Halfedge_pmap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, ValueT >
struct  Halfedge_pmap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, ValueT >
class  Header_handler
class  HelloworldDialog
class  HelloworldPlugin
class  JndPlugin
class  MdiArea
 MdiArea class. More...
class  MixedMeshesVector
 Functions to retrieve the name of the datastructure according to the mesh type. More...
class  MSDM2Plugin
struct  MyTraits
class  PCLPointCloud_kernel_generator
 PCL Point Cloud specialization. Refer to for concrete usage . More...
class  PCLPointCloudColorMap
class  PCLPointCloudNormalMap
class  PCLPointCloudPointMap
class  PickHandler
class  PluginDialog
class  PointCloudCurvatureDialog
class  PointCloudCurvaturePlugin
class  ProgressiveCompressionDialog
class  ProgressiveCompressionPlugin
class  ProgressiveDecompressionDialog
class  ProgressiveDecompressionPlugin
struct  RetrieveKernel
 A generic definition, that is template specialized for every supported native implementation, allowing for the retrieval (or extraction) of the geometry related information out of a Mesh type (possibly using the respective enderlying kernels of the native implementations when available). RetrieveKernel implementatinos (through template specializations): More...
struct  RetrieveKernel< CGAL::Linear_cell_complex_for_combinatorial_map< D, AmbientDim, Traits, Items, Alloc, CMap, Storage > >
 Linear cell complex specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class. More...
struct  RetrieveKernel< CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > >
 OpenMesh specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class. More...
struct  RetrieveKernel< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > >
 OpenMesh specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class. More...
struct  RetrieveKernel< CGALPointSet >
 CGAL Point Set specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class. More...
struct  RetrieveKernel< DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >
 AIF specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class. More...
struct  RetrieveKernel< FEVV::PCLPointCloud >
 PCL Point Cloud specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class. More...
struct  RetrieveKernel< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< T > >
 OpenMesh specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class. More...
class  ScalingPlugin
class  SimpleAdapterVisu
 SimpleAdapterVisu is a specialization of QWidget. This class is the widget added to a QMainWindow, who host an OSG Viewer. More...
class  SimpleApplication
 SimpleApplication is a specialization of QApplication. This is useful if we want to catch exception. More...
class  SimpleCheckBox
class  SimpleLineEdit
class  SimpleViewer
 SimpleViewer is a specialization of osgViewer::CompositeViewer. This class is a widget where we are able to draw objects using OpenSceneGraph. More...
class  SimpleWindow
 SimpleWindow is a specialization of QMainWindow. This class the Main Window. More...
class  TextureImageDemoDialog
class  TextureImageDemoPlugin
struct  Vertex_pmap_traits
struct  Vertex_pmap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, ValueT >
struct  Vertex_pmap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, ValueT >
struct  Vertex_pmap_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet, ValueT >
struct  Vertex_pmap_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh, ValueT >
struct  Vertex_pmap_traits< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, ValueT >
struct  Vertex_pmap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, ValueT >
class  WeightedPCADialog
class  WeightedPCAPlugin


using MeshAIF = FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh
using MeshAIFPtr = FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMeshReader::ptr_output
using CGALKernel = CGAL::Cartesian< double >
using CGALLCCTraits = CGAL::Linear_cell_complex_traits< 3, CGALKernel >
using MeshLCC = CGAL::Linear_cell_complex_for_combinatorial_map< 2, 3, CGALLCCTraits, CGALItem >
using CGALPointSetKernel = CGAL::Cartesian< float >
using CGALPointSetPoint = CGALPointSetKernel::Point_3
using CGALPointSetVector = CGALPointSetKernel::Vector_3
using CGALPointSet = CGAL::Point_set_3< CGALPointSetPoint >
using MeshPolyhedron = CGAL::Polyhedron_3< CGALKernel, CGAL::Polyhedron_items_with_id_3 >
using CGALPoint = CGALKernel::Point_3
using MeshSurface = CGAL::Surface_mesh< CGALPoint >
using MeshOpenMesh = OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< MyTraits >
using PCLKernelType = float
using PCLColorType = uint8_t
using PCLEnrichedPoint = pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal
using PCLPointCloud = pcl::PointCloud< PCLEnrichedPoint >
using PCLPoint = Eigen::Vector3f
using PCLVector = Eigen::Vector3f
using PCLColor = Eigen::Matrix< PCLColorType, 3, 1 >
using Triangle = CGALKernel::Triangle_3
using Segment = CGALKernel::Segment_3
using Ray = CGALKernel::Ray_3
using Vertex_Descriptor = MeshSurface::Vertex_index
using CGALPointSetPointMap = CGALPointSet::Point_map
typedef std::map< std::string, boost::any > PMapsContainer
template<typename PropertyT , typename MeshT >
using PMap_traits = _PMap_traits< MeshT, PropertyT >
template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
using Vertex_pmap = typename Vertex_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type
template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
using Face_pmap = typename Face_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type
template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
using Edge_pmap = typename Edge_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type
template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
using Halfedge_pmap = typename Halfedge_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type


enum  vertex_normal_t { vertex_normal }
enum  vertex_tangent_t { vertex_tangent }
enum  vertex_texcoord_t { vertex_texcoord }
enum  vertex_color_t { vertex_color }
enum  vertex_custom_vector_t { vertex_custom_vector }
enum  vertex_custom_vector_color_t { vertex_custom_vector_color }
enum  vertex_custom_vector_param_t { vertex_custom_vector_param }
enum  halfedge_normal_t { halfedge_normal }
enum  halfedge_texcoord_t { halfedge_texcoord }
enum  edge_color_t { edge_color }
enum  face_normal_t { face_normal }
enum  face_color_t { face_color }
enum  face_material_t { face_material }
enum  mesh_materials_t { mesh_materials }
enum  mesh_guiproperties_t { mesh_guiproperties }
enum  RenderMethod { RENDER_POINTS = osg::PrimitiveSet::POINTS, RENDER_LINES = osg::PrimitiveSet::LINE_LOOP, RENDER_FILL = osg::PrimitiveSet::POLYGON }
enum  { bNone, bLeft, bRight }


void parse_ply_header (std::ifstream &in, bool &has_normal, bool &has_color, bool &is_binary)
void parse_ply_header (const std::string &filename, bool &has_normal, bool &has_color)
void parse_pcd_header (const std::string &filename, bool &has_normal, bool &has_color)
void parse_xyz_1stline (const std::string &filename, bool &has_normal)
FEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap::value_type get (const FEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap &pm, FEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap::key_type key)
 Specialization of get(point_map, key) for PCLPointCloud. More...
void put (FEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap &pm, FEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap::key_type key, const FEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap::value_type &value)
 Specialization of put(point_map, key, value) for PCLPointCloud. More...
FEVV::PCLPointCloudNormalMap::value_type get (const FEVV::PCLPointCloudNormalMap &nm, FEVV::PCLPointCloudNormalMap::key_type key)
 Specialization of get(normal_map, key) for PCLPointCloud. More...
void put (FEVV::PCLPointCloudNormalMap &nm, FEVV::PCLPointCloudNormalMap::key_type key, const FEVV::PCLPointCloudNormalMap::value_type &value)
 Specialization of put(normal_map, key, value) for PCLPointCloud. More...
FEVV::PCLPointCloudColorMap::value_type get (const FEVV::PCLPointCloudColorMap &cm, FEVV::PCLPointCloudColorMap::key_type key)
 Specialization of get(color_map, key) for PCLPointCloud. More...
void put (FEVV::PCLPointCloudColorMap &cm, FEVV::PCLPointCloudColorMap::key_type key, const FEVV::PCLPointCloudColorMap::value_type &value)
 Specialization of put(color_map, key, value) for PCLPointCloud. More...
template<typename MeshT >
boost::graph_traits< MeshT >::vertices_size_type size_of_vertices (const MeshT &g)
 Real current number of vertices of the mesh. Generic version. More...
template<typename MeshT >
boost::graph_traits< MeshT >::edges_size_type size_of_edges (const MeshT &g)
 Real current number of edges of the mesh. Generic version. More...
template<typename MeshT >
boost::graph_traits< MeshT >::halfedges_size_type size_of_halfedges (const MeshT &g)
 Real current number of halfedges of the mesh. Generic version. More...
template<typename MeshT >
boost::graph_traits< MeshT >::faces_size_type size_of_faces (const MeshT &g)
 Real current number of faces of the mesh. Generic version. More...
CGAL_LCC_TEMPLATE_ARGS boost::graph_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE >::vertices_size_type size_of_vertices (const CGAL_LCC_TYPE &lcc)
 Real current number of vertices of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Linear_cell_complex. More...
CGAL_LCC_TEMPLATE_ARGS boost::graph_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE >::edges_size_type size_of_edges (const CGAL_LCC_TYPE &lcc)
 Real current number of edges of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Linear_cell_complex. More...
CGAL_LCC_TEMPLATE_ARGS boost::graph_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE >::halfedges_size_type size_of_halfedges (const CGAL_LCC_TYPE &lcc)
 Real current number of halfedges of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Linear_cell_complex. More...
CGAL_LCC_TEMPLATE_ARGS boost::graph_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE >::faces_size_type size_of_faces (const CGAL_LCC_TYPE &lcc)
 Real current number of faces of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Linear_cell_complex. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet >::vertices_size_type size_of_vertices (const FEVV::CGALPointSet &g)
 Real current number of vertices of the mesh. More...
int size_of_edges (const FEVV::CGALPointSet &)
 Real current number of edges of the mesh. More...
int size_of_halfedges (const FEVV::CGALPointSet &)
 Real current number of halfedges of the mesh. More...
int size_of_faces (const FEVV::CGALPointSet &)
 Real current number of faces of the mesh. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , template< class A, class B, class C > class T3, typename T4 >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > const >::vertices_size_type size_of_vertices (const CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > &g)
 Real current number of vertices of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Polyhedron_3. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , template< class A, class B, class C > class T3, typename T4 >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > const >::edges_size_type size_of_edges (const CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > &g)
 Real current number of edges of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Polyhedron_3. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , template< class A, class B, class C > class T3, typename T4 >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > const >::halfedges_size_type size_of_halfedges (const CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > &g)
 Real current number of halfedges of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Polyhedron_3. More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 , template< class A, class B, class C > class T3, typename T4 >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > const >::faces_size_type size_of_faces (const CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > &g)
 Real current number of faces of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Polyhedron_3. More...
template<typename PointT >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > >::vertices_size_type size_of_vertices (const CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > &g)
 Real current number of vertices of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Surface_mesh. More...
template<typename PointT >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > >::edges_size_type size_of_edges (const CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > &g)
 Real current number of edges of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Surface_mesh. More...
template<typename PointT >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > >::halfedges_size_type size_of_halfedges (const CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > &g)
 Real current number of halfedges of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Surface_mesh. More...
template<typename PointT >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > >::faces_size_type size_of_faces (const CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > &g)
 Real current number of faces of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Surface_mesh. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::PCLPointCloud >::vertices_size_type size_of_vertices (const FEVV::PCLPointCloud &g)
 Real current number of vertices of the mesh. More...
int size_of_edges (const FEVV::PCLPointCloud &)
 Real current number of edges of the mesh. More...
int size_of_halfedges (const FEVV::PCLPointCloud &)
 Real current number of halfedges of the mesh. More...
int size_of_faces (const FEVV::PCLPointCloud &)
 Real current number of faces of the mesh. More...
bool has_map (const PMapsContainer &pmaps, const std::string &map_name)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
template<typename PropertyT >
bool has_map (const PMapsContainer &pmaps, PropertyT p)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::vertex_normal_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::vertex_tangent_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::vertex_texcoord_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::vertex_color_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::halfedge_normal_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::halfedge_texcoord_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::edge_color_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::face_normal_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::face_color_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::face_material_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::mesh_materials_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
std::string get_property_map_name (FEVV::mesh_guiproperties_t)
 (refer to Property Maps API) More...
template<typename PropertyT , typename MeshT >
PMap_traits< PropertyT, MeshT >::pmap_type make_property_map (PropertyT, const MeshT &m)
template<typename PropertyT , typename MeshT >
PMap_traits< PropertyT, MeshT >::pmap_type get_property_map (PropertyT p, const MeshT &, const PMapsContainer &pmaps)
template<typename PropertyT , typename MeshT >
void put_property_map (PropertyT p, const MeshT &, PMapsContainer &pmaps, const typename PMap_traits< PropertyT, MeshT >::pmap_type &pmap)
void remove_property_map_by_name (const std::string &name, PMapsContainer &pmaps)
template<typename PropertyT >
void remove_property_map (PropertyT p, PMapsContainer &pmaps)
std::vector< std::string > list_property_maps (const PMapsContainer &pmaps)
void print_property_maps (const PMapsContainer &pmaps)
template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
Vertex_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type make_vertex_property_map (const MeshT &m)
template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
Face_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type make_face_property_map (const MeshT &m)
template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
Edge_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type make_edge_property_map (const MeshT &m)
template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
Halfedge_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type make_halfedge_property_map (const MeshT &m)
boost::identity_property_map get (const boost::vertex_index_t &, const FEVV::PCLPointCloud &)
 BOOST_concept (CGALHalfedgeGraph,(G))
 CGAL's HalfedgeGraph concept (expressed with Boost Concept Check Library) (BCCL) More...
BOOST_concept(CGALHalfedgeListGraph,(G)) BOOST_concept (CGALMutableHalfedgeGraph,(G))
 CGAL's HalfedgeListGraph concept (expressed with Boost Concept Check Library) (BCCL) More...
template<typename GeometryTraits >
void check_operators_results (void)
template<typename PointCloudT >
void check_point_cloud_concept (PointCloudT &pc)
template<typename PointCloudT >
void check_point_cloud_NN_search_concept (void)
template<typename MeshT >
void set_mesh_and_properties (MeshT &m, FEVV::PMapsContainer &pmaps_bag, typename FEVV::PMap_traits< FEVV::vertex_color_t, MeshT >::pmap_type &v_cm, typename FEVV::PMap_traits< FEVV::edge_color_t, MeshT >::pmap_type &e_cm, typename FEVV::PMap_traits< FEVV::face_normal_t, MeshT >::pmap_type &, typename FEVV::PMap_traits< FEVV::vertex_normal_t, MeshT >::pmap_type &v_nm)
std::string chooseDatastructureMsgBox (void)
void SimpleViewer::internal_createMesh< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::CGALPointSetPointMap > (osg::Geode *&geode, FEVV::CGALPointSet *_g, PMapsContainer *_pmaps, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometries, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometriesL, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometriesP, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometries_edges, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometries_vertices, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometries_normals, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometries_custom_vectors, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &vertexArrays, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &vertexArrays_edges, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &vertexArrays_vertices, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &vertexArrays_normals, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &vertexArrays_custom_vectors, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &normalsArrays, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &normalsArraysF, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &normalsArrays_edges, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &normalsArrays_vertices, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &tangentsArrays, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &colorsArrays, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &colorsArrays_edges, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &colorsArrays_vertices, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &colorsArrays_normals, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &colorsArrays_custom_vectors, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec2Array > > &texcoordsArrays, FEVV::CGALPointSetPointMap *_pm, std::string _mesh_file)
void SimpleViewer::internal_createMesh< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, FEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap > (osg::Geode *&geode, FEVV::PCLPointCloud *_g, PMapsContainer *_pmaps, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometries, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometriesL, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometriesP, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometries_edges, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometries_vertices, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometries_normals, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &geometries_custom_vectors, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &vertexArrays, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &vertexArrays_edges, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &vertexArrays_vertices, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &vertexArrays_normals, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &vertexArrays_custom_vectors, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &normalsArrays, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &normalsArraysF, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &normalsArrays_edges, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &normalsArrays_vertices, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &tangentsArrays, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &colorsArrays, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &colorsArrays_edges, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &colorsArrays_vertices, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &colorsArrays_normals, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &colorsArrays_custom_vectors, std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec2Array > > &texcoordsArrays, FEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap *_pm, std::string _mesh_file)


static size_t cgal_point_set_prop_map_counter = 0

Detailed Description

Interfaces for plugins These interfaces will be used for different plugins.

Typedef Documentation

◆ CGALKernel

typedef CGAL::Cartesian< double > FEVV::CGALKernel

Definition at line 26 of file DataStructures_cgal_linear_cell_complex.h.


using FEVV::CGALLCCTraits = typedef CGAL::Linear_cell_complex_traits< 3, CGALKernel >

Definition at line 27 of file DataStructures_cgal_linear_cell_complex.h.

◆ CGALPoint

using FEVV::CGALPoint = typedef CGALKernel::Point_3

Definition at line 21 of file DataStructures_cgal_surface_mesh.h.

◆ CGALPointSet

using FEVV::CGALPointSet = typedef CGAL::Point_set_3< CGALPointSetPoint >

Definition at line 71 of file DataStructures_cgal_point_set.h.

◆ CGALPointSetKernel

using FEVV::CGALPointSetKernel = typedef CGAL::Cartesian< float >

Definition at line 29 of file DataStructures_cgal_point_set.h.

◆ CGALPointSetPoint

using FEVV::CGALPointSetPoint = typedef CGALPointSetKernel::Point_3

Definition at line 30 of file DataStructures_cgal_point_set.h.

◆ CGALPointSetPointMap

using FEVV::CGALPointSetPointMap = typedef CGALPointSet::Point_map

Definition at line 27 of file Graph_properties_cgal_point_set.h.

◆ CGALPointSetVector

using FEVV::CGALPointSetVector = typedef CGALPointSetKernel::Vector_3

Definition at line 31 of file DataStructures_cgal_point_set.h.

◆ Edge_pmap

template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
using FEVV::Edge_pmap = typedef typename Edge_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type

Definition at line 613 of file properties.h.

◆ Face_pmap

template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
using FEVV::Face_pmap = typedef typename Face_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type

Definition at line 610 of file properties.h.

◆ Halfedge_pmap

template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
using FEVV::Halfedge_pmap = typedef typename Halfedge_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type

Definition at line 616 of file properties.h.

◆ MeshAIF

Definition at line 19 of file DataStructures_aif.h.

◆ MeshAIFPtr

Definition at line 20 of file DataStructures_aif.h.

◆ MeshLCC

using FEVV::MeshLCC = typedef CGAL:: Linear_cell_complex_for_combinatorial_map< 2, 3, CGALLCCTraits, CGALItem >

Definition at line 42 of file DataStructures_cgal_linear_cell_complex.h.

◆ MeshOpenMesh

using FEVV::MeshOpenMesh = typedef OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< MyTraits >

Definition at line 51 of file DataStructures_openmesh.h.

◆ MeshPolyhedron

using FEVV::MeshPolyhedron = typedef CGAL::Polyhedron_3< CGALKernel, CGAL::Polyhedron_items_with_id_3 >

Definition at line 32 of file DataStructures_cgal_polyhedron_3.h.

◆ MeshSurface

using FEVV::MeshSurface = typedef CGAL::Surface_mesh< CGALPoint >

Definition at line 23 of file DataStructures_cgal_surface_mesh.h.

◆ PCLColor

using FEVV::PCLColor = typedef Eigen::Matrix<PCLColorType, 3, 1>

Definition at line 34 of file DataStructures_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ PCLColorType

using FEVV::PCLColorType = typedef uint8_t

Definition at line 26 of file DataStructures_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ PCLEnrichedPoint

using FEVV::PCLEnrichedPoint = typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal

Definition at line 27 of file DataStructures_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ PCLKernelType

using FEVV::PCLKernelType = typedef float

Definition at line 25 of file DataStructures_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ PCLPoint

using FEVV::PCLPoint = typedef Eigen::Vector3f

Definition at line 32 of file DataStructures_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ PCLPointCloud

using FEVV::PCLPointCloud = typedef pcl::PointCloud< PCLEnrichedPoint >

Definition at line 28 of file DataStructures_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ PCLVector

using FEVV::PCLVector = typedef Eigen::Vector3f

Definition at line 33 of file DataStructures_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ PMap_traits

template<typename PropertyT , typename MeshT >
using FEVV::PMap_traits = typedef _PMap_traits< MeshT, PropertyT >

Definition at line 604 of file properties.h.

◆ PMapsContainer

typedef std::map< std::string, boost::any > FEVV::PMapsContainer

Definition at line 99 of file properties.h.

◆ Ray

typedef CGALKernel::Ray_3 FEVV::Ray

Definition at line 43 of file cmdm.h.

◆ Segment

typedef CGALKernel::Segment_3 FEVV::Segment

Definition at line 42 of file cmdm.h.

◆ Triangle

typedef CGALKernel::Triangle_3 FEVV::Triangle

Definition at line 41 of file cmdm.h.

◆ Vertex_Descriptor

typedef MeshSurface::Vertex_index FEVV::Vertex_Descriptor

Definition at line 44 of file cmdm.h.

◆ Vertex_pmap

template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
using FEVV::Vertex_pmap = typedef typename Vertex_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type

Definition at line 607 of file properties.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 23 of file MdiArea.h.

◆ edge_color_t

the color property of an edge (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 73 of file properties.h.

◆ face_color_t

the color property of a face (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 81 of file properties.h.

◆ face_material_t

the material property of a face (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 85 of file properties.h.

◆ face_normal_t

the normal property of a face (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 77 of file properties.h.

◆ halfedge_normal_t

the normal property of a halfedge (aka normal by corner) (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 65 of file properties.h.

◆ halfedge_texcoord_t

the texcoord property of a halfedge (aka texcoord by corner) (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 69 of file properties.h.

◆ mesh_guiproperties_t

the guiproperties property of a mesh (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 93 of file properties.h.

◆ mesh_materials_t

the materials property of a mesh (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 89 of file properties.h.

◆ RenderMethod


Definition at line 27 of file BaseViewer.h.

◆ RenderMode

enum FEVV::RenderMode

Definition at line 33 of file BaseViewer.h.

◆ vertex_color_t

the color property of a vertex (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 47 of file properties.h.

◆ vertex_custom_vector_color_t

the custom_vector_color property of a vertex (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 57 of file properties.h.

◆ vertex_custom_vector_param_t

the custom_vector_param property of a vertex (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 61 of file properties.h.

◆ vertex_custom_vector_t

the custom_vector property of a vertex (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 53 of file properties.h.

◆ vertex_normal_t

the normal property of a vertex (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 35 of file properties.h.

◆ vertex_tangent_t

the tangent property of a vertex (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 39 of file properties.h.

◆ vertex_texcoord_t

the texcoord property of a vertex (refer to Property Maps API)


Definition at line 43 of file properties.h.

Function Documentation

◆ BOOST_concept() [1/2]

FEVV::BOOST_concept ( CGALHalfedgeGraph  ,

CGAL's HalfedgeGraph concept (expressed with Boost Concept Check Library) (BCCL)

Definition at line 29 of file CGALConceptsCheck.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ BOOST_concept() [2/2]

BOOST_concept (CGALHalfedgeListGraph, (G)) FEVV::BOOST_concept ( CGALMutableHalfedgeGraph  ,

CGAL's HalfedgeListGraph concept (expressed with Boost Concept Check Library) (BCCL)

CGAL's MutableHalfedgeGraph concept (expressed with Boost Concept Check Library) (BCCL)

Definition at line 95 of file CGALConceptsCheck.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_operators_results()

template<typename GeometryTraits >
void FEVV::check_operators_results ( void  )

Check operators results.

Definition at line 148 of file GeometryConceptCheck.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_point_cloud_concept()

template<typename PointCloudT >
void FEVV::check_point_cloud_concept ( PointCloudT &  pc)

Definition at line 19 of file PointCloudConceptCheck.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_point_cloud_NN_search_concept()

template<typename PointCloudT >
void FEVV::check_point_cloud_NN_search_concept ( void  )

Definition at line 24 of file PointCloudNNSearchConceptCheck.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ chooseDatastructureMsgBox()

std::string FEVV::chooseDatastructureMsgBox ( void  )

Display the "choose your datastructure" message box. Needed at least by SimpleWindow when opening a mesh and by DecompressionValencePlugin when choosing the target datastructure.

Definition at line 28 of file ChooseDatastructureMsgBox.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get() [1/4]

boost::identity_property_map FEVV::get ( const boost::vertex_index_t &  ,
const FEVV::PCLPointCloud  

Definition at line 43 of file properties_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ get() [2/4]

Specialization of get(color_map, key) for PCLPointCloud.

Definition at line 283 of file Graph_properties_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ get() [3/4]

Specialization of get(normal_map, key) for PCLPointCloud.

Definition at line 200 of file Graph_properties_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ get() [4/4]

Specialization of get(point_map, key) for PCLPointCloud.

Definition at line 117 of file Graph_properties_pcl_point_cloud.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_property_map()

template<typename PropertyT , typename MeshT >
PMap_traits< PropertyT, MeshT >::pmap_type FEVV::get_property_map ( PropertyT  p,
const MeshT ,
const PMapsContainer pmaps 

Retrieve a property map from the property maps container (refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 646 of file properties.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_property_map_name() [1/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::edge_color_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 176 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [2/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::face_color_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 188 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [3/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::face_material_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 194 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [4/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::face_normal_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 182 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [5/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::halfedge_normal_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 164 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [6/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::halfedge_texcoord_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 170 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [7/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::mesh_guiproperties_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 206 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [8/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::mesh_materials_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 200 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [9/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::vertex_color_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 140 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [10/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 152 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [11/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 158 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [12/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 146 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [13/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::vertex_normal_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 122 of file properties.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_property_map_name() [14/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::vertex_tangent_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 128 of file properties.h.

◆ get_property_map_name() [15/15]

std::string FEVV::get_property_map_name ( FEVV::vertex_texcoord_t  )

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 134 of file properties.h.

◆ has_map() [1/2]

bool FEVV::has_map ( const PMapsContainer pmaps,
const std::string &  map_name 

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 103 of file properties.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ has_map() [2/2]

template<typename PropertyT >
bool FEVV::has_map ( const PMapsContainer pmaps,
PropertyT  p 

(refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 111 of file properties.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ list_property_maps()

std::vector< std::string > FEVV::list_property_maps ( const PMapsContainer pmaps)

List the property maps from the property maps container (refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 708 of file properties.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_edge_property_map()

template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
Edge_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type FEVV::make_edge_property_map ( const MeshT m)

Make a new vertex property map to store data of type ValueT (refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 756 of file properties.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ make_face_property_map()

template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
Face_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type FEVV::make_face_property_map ( const MeshT m)

Make a new vertex property map to store data of type ValueT (refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 746 of file properties.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ make_halfedge_property_map()

template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
Halfedge_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type FEVV::make_halfedge_property_map ( const MeshT m)

Make a new vertex property map to store data of type ValueT (refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 766 of file properties.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ make_property_map()

template<typename PropertyT , typename MeshT >
PMap_traits< PropertyT, MeshT >::pmap_type FEVV::make_property_map ( PropertyT  ,
const MeshT m 

Make (aka build) a new property map for a given property (refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 630 of file properties.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_vertex_property_map()

template<typename MeshT , typename ValueT >
Vertex_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type FEVV::make_vertex_property_map ( const MeshT m)

Make a new vertex property map to store data of type ValueT (refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 736 of file properties.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_pcd_header()

void FEVV::parse_pcd_header ( const std::string &  filename,
bool &  has_normal,
bool &  has_color 

Definition at line 91 of file pcl_point_cloud_reader.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_ply_header() [1/2]

void FEVV::parse_ply_header ( const std::string &  filename,
bool &  has_normal,
bool &  has_color 

Definition at line 46 of file pcl_point_cloud_reader.hpp.

◆ parse_ply_header() [2/2]

void FEVV::parse_ply_header ( std::ifstream &  in,
bool &  has_normal,
bool &  has_color,
bool &  is_binary 

Definition at line 31 of file cgal_point_set_reader.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ parse_xyz_1stline()

void FEVV::parse_xyz_1stline ( const std::string &  filename,
bool &  has_normal 

Definition at line 138 of file pcl_point_cloud_reader.hpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_property_maps()

void FEVV::print_property_maps ( const PMapsContainer pmaps)

Print the list of the property maps from the property maps container (refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 722 of file properties.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ put() [1/3]

Specialization of put(color_map, key, value) for PCLPointCloud.

Definition at line 292 of file Graph_properties_pcl_point_cloud.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ put() [2/3]

Specialization of put(normal_map, key, value) for PCLPointCloud.

Definition at line 209 of file Graph_properties_pcl_point_cloud.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ put() [3/3]

Specialization of put(point_map, key, value) for PCLPointCloud.

Definition at line 126 of file Graph_properties_pcl_point_cloud.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ put_property_map()

template<typename PropertyT , typename MeshT >
void FEVV::put_property_map ( PropertyT  p,
const MeshT ,
PMapsContainer pmaps,
const typename PMap_traits< PropertyT, MeshT >::pmap_type &  pmap 

Store a property map in the property maps container (refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 664 of file properties.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remove_property_map()

template<typename PropertyT >
void FEVV::remove_property_map ( PropertyT  p,
PMapsContainer pmaps 

Remove a property map from the property maps container by type, if it exists (refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 697 of file properties.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remove_property_map_by_name()

void FEVV::remove_property_map_by_name ( const std::string &  name,
PMapsContainer pmaps 

Remove a property map from the property maps container by name, if it exists (refer to Property Maps API)

Definition at line 686 of file properties.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_mesh_and_properties()

template<typename MeshT >
void FEVV::set_mesh_and_properties ( MeshT m,
FEVV::PMapsContainer pmaps_bag,
typename FEVV::PMap_traits< FEVV::vertex_color_t, MeshT >::pmap_type &  v_cm,
typename FEVV::PMap_traits< FEVV::edge_color_t, MeshT >::pmap_type &  e_cm,
typename FEVV::PMap_traits< FEVV::face_normal_t, MeshT >::pmap_type &  ,
typename FEVV::PMap_traits< FEVV::vertex_normal_t, MeshT >::pmap_type &  v_nm 

Definition at line 52 of file progressivecompression_plugin.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SimpleViewer::internal_createMesh< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::CGALPointSetPointMap >()

void FEVV::SimpleViewer::internal_createMesh< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::CGALPointSetPointMap > ( osg::Geode *&  geode,
FEVV::CGALPointSet _g,
PMapsContainer _pmaps,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometries,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometriesL,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometriesP,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometries_edges,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometries_vertices,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometries_normals,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometries_custom_vectors,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  vertexArrays,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  vertexArrays_edges,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  vertexArrays_vertices,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  vertexArrays_normals,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  vertexArrays_custom_vectors,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  normalsArrays,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  normalsArraysF,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  normalsArrays_edges,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  normalsArrays_vertices,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  tangentsArrays,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &  colorsArrays,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &  colorsArrays_edges,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &  colorsArrays_vertices,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &  colorsArrays_normals,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &  colorsArrays_custom_vectors,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec2Array > > &  texcoordsArrays,
FEVV::CGALPointSetPointMap _pm,
std::string  _mesh_file 

Definition at line 23 of file SimpleViewerCGALPointSet.inl.

◆ SimpleViewer::internal_createMesh< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, FEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap >()

void FEVV::SimpleViewer::internal_createMesh< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, FEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap > ( osg::Geode *&  geode,
FEVV::PCLPointCloud _g,
PMapsContainer _pmaps,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometries,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometriesL,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometriesP,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometries_edges,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometries_vertices,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometries_normals,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Geometry > > &  geometries_custom_vectors,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  vertexArrays,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  vertexArrays_edges,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  vertexArrays_vertices,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  vertexArrays_normals,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  vertexArrays_custom_vectors,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  normalsArrays,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  normalsArraysF,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  normalsArrays_edges,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  normalsArrays_vertices,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec3Array > > &  tangentsArrays,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &  colorsArrays,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &  colorsArrays_edges,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &  colorsArrays_vertices,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &  colorsArrays_normals,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec4Array > > &  colorsArrays_custom_vectors,
std::vector< osg::ref_ptr< osg::Vec2Array > > &  texcoordsArrays,
FEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap _pm,
std::string  _mesh_file 

Definition at line 24 of file SimpleViewerPCLPointCloud.inl.

◆ size_of_edges() [1/6]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , template< class A, class B, class C > class T3, typename T4 >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > const >::edges_size_type FEVV::size_of_edges ( const CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > &  g)

Real current number of edges of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Polyhedron_3.

real number of edges of the mesh

Definition at line 64 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_polyhedron_3.h.

◆ size_of_edges() [2/6]

template<typename PointT >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > >::edges_size_type FEVV::size_of_edges ( const CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > &  g)

Real current number of edges of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Surface_mesh.

real number of edges of the mesh

Definition at line 50 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_surface_mesh.h.

◆ size_of_edges() [3/6]

CGAL_LCC_TEMPLATE_ARGS boost::graph_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE >::edges_size_type FEVV::size_of_edges ( const CGAL_LCC_TYPE lcc)

Real current number of edges of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Linear_cell_complex.

real number of edges of the mesh

Definition at line 69 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_linear_cell_complex.h.

◆ size_of_edges() [4/6]

int FEVV::size_of_edges ( const FEVV::CGALPointSet )

Real current number of edges of the mesh.

real number of edges of the mesh

Definition at line 48 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_point_set.h.

◆ size_of_edges() [5/6]

int FEVV::size_of_edges ( const FEVV::PCLPointCloud )

Real current number of edges of the mesh.

real number of edges of the mesh

Definition at line 48 of file Graph_traits_extension_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ size_of_edges() [6/6]

template<typename MeshT >
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edges_size_type FEVV::size_of_edges ( const MeshT g)

Real current number of edges of the mesh. Generic version.

Real current number of edges of the mesh. Specialization for AIF.

real number of edges of the mesh

Definition at line 46 of file Graph_traits_extension.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ size_of_faces() [1/6]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , template< class A, class B, class C > class T3, typename T4 >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > const >::faces_size_type FEVV::size_of_faces ( const CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > &  g)

Real current number of faces of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Polyhedron_3.

real number of faces of the mesh

Definition at line 110 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_polyhedron_3.h.

◆ size_of_faces() [2/6]

template<typename PointT >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > >::faces_size_type FEVV::size_of_faces ( const CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > &  g)

Real current number of faces of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Surface_mesh.

real number of faces of the mesh

Definition at line 83 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_surface_mesh.h.

◆ size_of_faces() [3/6]

CGAL_LCC_TEMPLATE_ARGS boost::graph_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE >::faces_size_type FEVV::size_of_faces ( const CGAL_LCC_TYPE lcc)

Real current number of faces of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Linear_cell_complex.

real number of faces of the mesh

Definition at line 101 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_linear_cell_complex.h.

◆ size_of_faces() [4/6]

int FEVV::size_of_faces ( const FEVV::CGALPointSet )

Real current number of faces of the mesh.

real number of faces of the mesh

Definition at line 78 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_point_set.h.

◆ size_of_faces() [5/6]

int FEVV::size_of_faces ( const FEVV::PCLPointCloud )

Real current number of faces of the mesh.

real number of faces of the mesh

Definition at line 78 of file Graph_traits_extension_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ size_of_faces() [6/6]

template<typename MeshT >
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::faces_size_type FEVV::size_of_faces ( const MeshT g)

Real current number of faces of the mesh. Generic version.

Real current number of faces of the mesh. Specialization for AIF.

real number of faces of the mesh

Definition at line 80 of file Graph_traits_extension.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ size_of_halfedges() [1/6]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , template< class A, class B, class C > class T3, typename T4 >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > const >::halfedges_size_type FEVV::size_of_halfedges ( const CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > &  g)

Real current number of halfedges of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Polyhedron_3.

real number of halfedges of the mesh

Definition at line 87 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_polyhedron_3.h.

◆ size_of_halfedges() [2/6]

template<typename PointT >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > >::halfedges_size_type FEVV::size_of_halfedges ( const CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > &  g)

Real current number of halfedges of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Surface_mesh.

real number of halfedges of the mesh

Definition at line 67 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_surface_mesh.h.

◆ size_of_halfedges() [3/6]

CGAL_LCC_TEMPLATE_ARGS boost::graph_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE >::halfedges_size_type FEVV::size_of_halfedges ( const CGAL_LCC_TYPE lcc)

Real current number of halfedges of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Linear_cell_complex.

real number of halfedges of the mesh

Definition at line 85 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_linear_cell_complex.h.

◆ size_of_halfedges() [4/6]

int FEVV::size_of_halfedges ( const FEVV::CGALPointSet )

Real current number of halfedges of the mesh.

real number of halfedges of the mesh

Definition at line 63 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_point_set.h.

◆ size_of_halfedges() [5/6]

int FEVV::size_of_halfedges ( const FEVV::PCLPointCloud )

Real current number of halfedges of the mesh.

real number of halfedges of the mesh

Definition at line 63 of file Graph_traits_extension_pcl_point_cloud.h.

◆ size_of_halfedges() [6/6]

template<typename MeshT >
boost::graph_traits< MeshT >::halfedges_size_type FEVV::size_of_halfedges ( const MeshT g)

Real current number of halfedges of the mesh. Generic version.

real number of halfedges of the mesh

Definition at line 63 of file Graph_traits_extension.h.

◆ size_of_vertices() [1/6]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 , template< class A, class B, class C > class T3, typename T4 >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > const >::vertices_size_type FEVV::size_of_vertices ( const CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > &  g)

Real current number of vertices of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Polyhedron_3.

real number of vertices of the mesh

Definition at line 41 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_polyhedron_3.h.

◆ size_of_vertices() [2/6]

template<typename PointT >
boost::graph_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > >::vertices_size_type FEVV::size_of_vertices ( const CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > &  g)

Real current number of vertices of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Surface_mesh.

real number of vertices of the mesh

Definition at line 34 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_surface_mesh.h.

◆ size_of_vertices() [3/6]

CGAL_LCC_TEMPLATE_ARGS boost::graph_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE >::vertices_size_type FEVV::size_of_vertices ( const CGAL_LCC_TYPE lcc)

Real current number of vertices of the mesh. Specialization for CGAL::Linear_cell_complex.

real number of vertices of the mesh

Definition at line 53 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_linear_cell_complex.h.

◆ size_of_vertices() [4/6]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet >::vertices_size_type FEVV::size_of_vertices ( const FEVV::CGALPointSet g)

Real current number of vertices of the mesh.

real number of vertices of the mesh

Definition at line 33 of file Graph_traits_extension_cgal_point_set.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ size_of_vertices() [5/6]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::PCLPointCloud >::vertices_size_type FEVV::size_of_vertices ( const FEVV::PCLPointCloud g)

Real current number of vertices of the mesh.

real number of vertices of the mesh

Definition at line 33 of file Graph_traits_extension_pcl_point_cloud.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ size_of_vertices() [6/6]

template<typename MeshT >
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertices_size_type FEVV::size_of_vertices ( const MeshT g)

Real current number of vertices of the mesh. Generic version.

Real current number of vertices of the mesh. Specialization for AIF.

real number of vertices of the mesh

Definition at line 29 of file Graph_traits_extension.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ cgal_point_set_prop_map_counter

size_t FEVV::cgal_point_set_prop_map_counter = 0

Definition at line 32 of file properties_cgal_point_set.h.