MEPP2 Project
Property Maps API

The Property Maps API is provided by the Boost Property Map Library and by the MEPP2 Generic Property Map Concept.

The Boost Property Map Library and its Property Map Concepts defines an interface to store/retrieve data in a property map whose key is a mesh item (vertex descriptor, halfedge descriptor, face descriptor...).

The MEPP2 Generic Property Map Concept provides:

  • the pre-definition of standard property maps (vertex-color, face-normal...)
  • a way to define non-standard property maps
  • a container to store/retrieve all the property maps associated with a mesh

See also:

Generic Property Map Concept


The original need for what MEPP2 refers to as "generic" property maps arises from contexts where one needs to have the warranty that storing/accessing a property map associated to some mesh will function even if such property map is not natively supported by the native mesh datastructure. For example when using the native readers, the properties read from the mesh file (like vertex color, vertex normal, face color, texture coordinates...) are stored inside the datastructure itself. But when using a generic reader, we don't have anymore access to the datastructure internal storage. "Generic" property maps provide such location for storing mesh properties outside from any native datastructure.

Note that the geometry of a mesh (the coordinates of the vertices) is always stored natively in the mesh datastructure (and thus is NOT a "generic" property map). The property map holding the geometry of a mesh can always be retrieved within

auto pm = get(boost::vertex_point, mesh);

Refer to the Generic property maps design notes for more concerning the motivation and the implementation design.


The Property Maps Traits for standard property maps

The Property Maps Traits FEVV::PMap_traits<PropertyTag, MeshT> is the traits class that produces the right property map type for a standard property associated to a particular mesh type MeshT.

The most usual property tags are pre-defined in FEVV/Wrappings/properties.h e.g.:

Non-standard property maps

A mechanism is provided to extend the MEPP2 defined standard property maps (the property tags that are defined in FEVV/Wrappings/properties.h). It allows to create new "non-standard" property maps, to store user defined properties, in a generic way. For example, a property map may be needed inside a filter to temporary store some value attached to the vertices.

A container for property maps

It is handy to gather all property maps associated to one mesh in a unique container, to manipulate them as a whole.

FEVV::PMapsContainer is the type of the container dedicated to the storage of one mesh property maps.

FEVV/Wrappings/properties.h defines FEVV::PMapsContainer as:

typedef std::map<std::string, boost::any> PMapsContainer;

Property Map API


  • PM    A type that is a model of FEVV::PMap_traits.
  • pm    An object of type PM.
  • pmaps_bag    An object of type FEVV::PMapsContainer.
  • pmap_tag    A standard property map tag (e.g. FEVV::vertex_normal, FEVV::face_color...)
  • PMap    A type that is a model of Boost Read/Write Property Map.
  • pmap    An object of type PMap.
  • key    An object of type boost::property_traits<PMap>::key_type.
  • val    An object of type boost::property_traits<PMap>::value_type.
  • M    A type that is a model of mesh (e.g. CGAL::Surface_mesh< >, CGAL::Polyhedron_3< , >, OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< >;).
  • m    An object of type M.

Associated types

Type Description
boost::property_traits<PMap>::key_type The type of the property map key (e.g. vertex_descriptor, face_descriptor...)
boost::property_traits<PMap>::value_type The type of the data stored in the property map.
FEVV::PMapsContainer A container for property maps.

Valid expressions

Store/retrieve data in a property map (Boost Read/Write Property Map concept)

Expression Returns Description
get(pmap, key) value_type Get the value associated with the key.
put(pmap, key, val) void Assign val to the property associated with the key.

Create, store, retrieve standard property maps

Expression Returns Description
make_property_map(pmap_tag, m) PM Constructs and returns the pmap_tag standard property map associated to the m mesh instance.
has_map(pmaps_bag, pmap_tag) bool Returns true when the pmaps_bag property map bag holds the property map pmap_tag, false otherwise
put_property_map(pmap_tag, m, pmaps_bag, pm) void Stores the pmap_tag property map pm (associated to m mesh instance) within the pmaps_bag property map bag.
get_property_map(pmap_tag, m, pmaps_bag) PM Returns the property map pmap_tag associated to the m mesh instance from the pmaps_bag property maps bag.
remove_property_map(pmap_tag, pmaps_bag) PM Remove the property map pmap_tag from the pmaps_bag property maps bag.

Create, store, retrieve non-standard property maps

Expression Returns Description
FEVV::make_vertex_property_map<M, value_type>(m) PM Constructs and returns a custom property map storing value_type data associated with m mesh vertices.
FEVV::make_edge_property_map<M, value_type>(m) PM Constructs and returns a custom property map storing value_type data associated with m mesh edges.
FEVV::make_halfedge_property_map<M, value_type>(m) PM Constructs and returns a custom property map storing value_type data associated with m mesh halfedges.
FEVV::make_face_property_map<M, value_type>(m) PM Constructs and returns a custom property map storing value_type data associated with m mesh faces.

Note: at the moment there is no easy way to store/retrieve a non-standard property map in a property maps container. See example below.


Create, store and retrieve a standard generic property map

// example: create a standard property map to store a color per vertex
// defines vertex_color_map as the property map type designated to hold/store
// colors at (each) vertex of a mesh to type MeshT.
vertex_color_map vertex_color_pm = make_property_map(FEVV::vertex_color, g);
// store the property map in an existing FEVV::PMapsContainer
FEVV::PMapsContainer pmaps_bag; // property maps container
put_property_map(FEVV::vertex_color, g, pmaps_bag, vertex_color_pm);
// later retrieve the property map from the container
auto vertex_color_pm = get_property_map(FEVV::vertex_color, g, pmaps_bag);

Create, store and retrieve a non standard property map

// example: create a user defined property map to store a label per face
// defines face_label_pmap_type as the property map type designated to
// hold/store a label (string) at (each) face of a mesh to type MeshT.
typedef std::string value_type;
typedef typename FEVV::Face_pmap<MeshT, value_type> face_label_pmap_type;
face_label_pmap_type face_label_pmap;
face_label_pmap = FEVV::make_face_property_map<MeshT, value_type>(Mesh);
// store the property map in an existing FEVV::PMapsContainer
FEVV::PMapsContainer pmaps_bag; // property maps container
pmaps_bag["f:label"] = face_label_pmap;
// later retrieve the property map from the container
// explicit cast needed here
face_label_pmap_type pm = boost::any_cast<face_label_pmap_type>("f:label"));
void put_property_map(PropertyT p, const MeshT &, PMapsContainer &pmaps, const typename PMap_traits< PropertyT, MeshT >::pmap_type &pmap)
Definition: properties.h:664
PMap_traits< PropertyT, MeshT >::pmap_type get_property_map(PropertyT p, const MeshT &, const PMapsContainer &pmaps)
Definition: properties.h:646
typename Face_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT >::pmap_type Face_pmap
Definition: properties.h:610
std::map< std::string, boost::any > PMapsContainer
Definition: properties.h:99
@ vertex_color
Definition: properties.h:47
boost::property_map< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh, boost::vertex_index_t >::const_type get(const boost::vertex_index_t &, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
Returns the vertex index property map of the mesh.
Definition: Graph_properties_aif.h:108
This class represents an AIF structure. AIF structure can deal with both manifold and non-manifold su...
Definition: AIFMesh.hpp:47
Definition: properties.h:376
PMap_traits< PropertyT, MeshT >::pmap_type make_property_map(PropertyT, const MeshT &m)
Definition: properties.h:630