CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, PropertyT > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::edge_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::face_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::face_material_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::face_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_tangent_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< AIFMesh, FEVV::vertex_texcoord_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::edge_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::face_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::face_material_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::face_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::halfedge_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::halfedge_texcoord_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_tangent_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, FEVV::vertex_texcoord_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::edge_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::face_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::face_material_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::face_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::halfedge_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::halfedge_texcoord_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_tangent_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, FEVV::vertex_texcoord_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::vertex_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::vertex_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, FEVV::vertex_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, FEVV::vertex_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::edge_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::face_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::face_material_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::face_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::halfedge_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::halfedge_texcoord_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::mesh_guiproperties_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::mesh_materials_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_tangent_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< MeshT, FEVV::vertex_texcoord_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::edge_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::face_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::face_material_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::face_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::halfedge_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::halfedge_texcoord_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_color_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_param_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_custom_vector_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_normal_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_tangent_t > | |
CFEVV::_PMap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, FEVV::vertex_texcoord_t > | |
CAdaptive_Bit_Model | Adaptive bit model |
CAdaptive_Data_Model | Adaptive data model |
►Cadjacency_graph_tag | |
Cboost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::my_traversal_category | |
CFEVV::AIF_mesh_kernel_generator | AIF specialization. Refer to for concrete usage |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFCellContainer< T > | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFCellContainer< edge_type::ptr > | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFCellContainer< face_type::ptr > | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFCellContainer< vertex_type::ptr > | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFEdge | This class represents an edge used by AIFMesh objects. An AIFEdge natively saves relations with its incident vertices (AIFVertex) and with its incident faces (AIFFace) |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFEdgeComparator | This class represents an edge comparator used to compare AIFEdge objects |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFFace | This class represents a face used by AIFMesh objects. An AIFFace natively saves relations with its incident edges (AIFEdge). In addition, relations with its incident vertices (AIFVertex) are saved on demand |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFTopologyHelpers::AIFHalfEdge | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh | This class represents an AIF structure. AIF structure can deal with both manifold and non-manifold surface meshes. The faces of the meshes are not limited in degree, thus, the structure also deals with polygonal meshes. To sum up, AIFMesh can handle every surface mesh (and can be easily extended to upper dimensions). The limitation of the structure is that the face with 0, 1 or 2 vertices are unoriented (not complying case). For faces with at least three vertices, orientation is deduced from its incident edge order |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMeshHelpers | This class is an helper class associated to the AIFMesh structure. It hosts helper functions that do not rely only on topological functions but also on properties (point coordinates for example) |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFPropertiesHelpers | This class is an helper class associated to the AIFMesh structure. AIFPropertiesHelpers implements all the basic geometric function used to manipulate an AIFMesh point coordinates, and to compute normals or edge length. Any such geometric operation on the AIF structure need to be realized with this helper class |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFTopologyHelpers | This class is an helper class associated to the AIFMesh structure. AIFTopologyHelpers implements all the basic topologic function used to manipulate an AIFMesh. Any operation on the AIF structure need to be realized with this helper class |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFVector< CoordinateT, DIM > | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFVertex | This class represents a vertex used by AIFMesh objects. An AIFVertex natively saves relations with its incident edges (AIFEdge) |
CArithmetic_Codec | Arithmetic codec |
►Cstd::array< T > | STL class |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFPoint< CoordinateT, DIM > | |
CFEVV::Assert | This class may be used to draw Asserts in your code |
►Cassociative_property_map | |
CFEVV::Assoc_property_map< KeyType, ValueType > | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AssocPropertyMap< KeyType, ValueType > | |
►CFEVV::BaseAdapterVisu | |
►CFEVV::BaseAdapterVisuQt | |
CFEVV::SimpleAdapterVisu | SimpleAdapterVisu is a specialization of QWidget. This class is the widget added to a QMainWindow, who host an OSG Viewer |
►CFEVV::BasePlugin | |
►CFEVV::BasePluginQt | This class is intended to provide some standard message boxes to all plugins |
CFEVV::BooleanOperationsPlugin | |
CFEVV::CMDMPlugin | |
CFEVV::CompressionValencePlugin | |
CFEVV::CopyGraphPlugin | |
CFEVV::CurvaturePlugin | |
CFEVV::DecompressionValencePlugin | |
CFEVV::HelloworldPlugin | |
CFEVV::JndPlugin | |
CFEVV::MSDM2Plugin | |
CFEVV::PointCloudCurvaturePlugin | |
CFEVV::ProgressiveCompressionPlugin | |
CFEVV::ProgressiveDecompressionPlugin | |
CFEVV::ScalingPlugin | |
CFEVV::TextureImageDemoPlugin | |
CFEVV::WeightedPCAPlugin | |
►CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::BasePropertyMap | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AssocPropertyMap< KeyType, ValueType > | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::PropertyMap< T > | |
►CFEVV::BaseViewer | |
►CFEVV::BaseViewerOSG | |
CFEVV::SimpleViewer | SimpleViewer is a specialization of osgViewer::CompositeViewer. This class is a widget where we are able to draw objects using OpenSceneGraph |
►CFEVV::BaseWindow | |
►CFEVV::BaseWindowQt | |
CFEVV::SimpleWindow | SimpleWindow is a specialization of QMainWindow. This class the Main Window |
CFEVV::Filters::Batch_collapser< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, Metric, EdgeColorMap, VertexColorMap > | Batch_collapser: Takes an halfedge graph and collapses its edges. A Batch_collapser object can simplify as many times a mesh as possible. No need to create an object for each batch. Input: Original mesh. Output: a simplified mesh |
CFEVV::Filters::Batch_decompressor< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, VertexColorMap > | Batch_decompressor: Given a draco buffer, will decompress a non-textured (or not) mesh |
►Cbidirectional_graph_tag | |
Cboost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::my_traversal_category | |
CFEVV::Filters::Binary_batch_decoder< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, Vector > | |
CFEVV::Filters::Binary_batch_encoder< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, Vector, Point, vertex_descriptor, Geometry > | Encode binary data with draco. Also contains static methods to generate csv files |
CFEVV::Block | This class may be used to draw blocks in your code. It will show the elapsed time between the begin and the end of the block. Many blocks can be used in the same time, differentiate by a unique identifier (string) |
CBoolPolyhedra< HalfedgeGraph > | The class that compute a Boolean operation |
CFEVV::Filters::Uniform_quantization< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, Vector, Point, Geometry, vertex_descriptor, vertex_iterator >::boundingBox | |
►CCallback | |
CCameraPosCallback | |
CCameraTargetCallback | |
CInverseViewMatrixCallback | |
CModelMatrixCallback | |
CMVPMatrixCallback | |
CProjectionMatrixCallback | |
CViewMatrixCallback | |
CCApp | |
►CCartesian | |
►CFEVV::Geometry_traits_for_cgal< Mesh, CGAL::Cartesian< T1 > > | |
CFEVV::Geometry_traits< Mesh, CGAL::Cartesian< T1 > > | OpenMesh specialization of the Geometry_traits generic class. For usage refer to Geometry traits documentation |
CCGAL::CGALPointSetNNSearch | |
CFEVV::Filters::Coarse_mesh_decoder< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, vertex_descriptor, halfedge_descriptor > | |
CFEVV::Filters::Collapse_info< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, vertex_descriptor, halfedge_descriptor, Vector, Point, Geometry > | Class used to store information on a single edge collapse operation |
CFEVV::Filters::Collapse_info< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | |
►CColor | |
CFEVV::CGALPointSetColor | |
CFEVV::Color | |
CColor_Unit | Struct of integer color components |
CFEVV::Filters::Compare_weights2< HalfedgeGraph, edge_descriptor, Point, Vector > | |
►CCompositeDragger | |
CosgManipulator::TabBoxDragger2 | |
CCompression_Valence_Component< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, VertexColorMap > | Compression valence component |
►CConstrained_triangulation_face_base_2 | |
CEnriched_face_base< Gt, Fb > | Enriches the faces of a triangulation |
►CConstraint | |
CScaleConstraint | |
CFEVV::Construct_color | |
CFEVV::Filters::CopyGraphParameters< FaceGraphS, FaceGraphT > | |
CFEVV::Filters::CopyPCParameters< PointCloudS, PointCloudT > | |
►CFEVV::Filters::CopyPCParameters< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::CGALPointSet > | |
CFEVV::Filters::CopyGraphParameters< FEVV::CGALPointSet, FEVV::CGALPointSet > | Specialization of CopyGraphParameters for copy from CGAL Point Set to CGAL Point Set |
►CFEVV::Filters::CopyPCParameters< FEVV::CGALPointSet, PointCloudT > | |
CFEVV::Filters::CopyGraphParameters< FEVV::CGALPointSet, PointCloudT > | Specialization of CopyGraphParameters for CGAL Point Set copy from |
►CFEVV::Filters::CopyPCParameters< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, FEVV::PCLPointCloud > | |
CFEVV::Filters::CopyGraphParameters< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, FEVV::PCLPointCloud > | Specialization of CopyGraphParameters for copy from PCL Point Cloud to PCL Point Cloud |
►CFEVV::Filters::CopyPCParameters< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, PointCloudT > | |
CFEVV::Filters::CopyGraphParameters< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, PointCloudT > | Specialization of CopyGraphParameters for PCL Point Cloud copy from |
►CFEVV::Filters::CopyPCParameters< PointCloudT, FEVV::CGALPointSet > | |
CFEVV::Filters::CopyGraphParameters< PointCloudT, FEVV::CGALPointSet > | Specialization of CopyGraphParameters for CGAL Point Set copy to |
►CFEVV::Filters::CopyPCParameters< PointCloudT, FEVV::PCLPointCloud > | |
CFEVV::Filters::CopyGraphParameters< PointCloudT, FEVV::PCLPointCloud > | Specialization of CopyGraphParameters for PCL Point Cloud copy to |
CFEVV::CGALItem::Dart_wrapper< Refs > | |
CMyitem::Dart_wrapper< Refs > | |
►CDefaultTraits | |
CFEVV::MyTraits | |
CMyTraitsDouble | |
CFEVV::Comparator::Edge_comparator< Graph, PointMap, EdgeWeightMap, GeometryTraits > | |
►Cedge_list_graph_tag | |
Cboost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::my_traversal_category | |
CFEVV::Edge_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Edge_pmap_traits< AIFMesh, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Edge_pmap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Edge_pmap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Edge_pmap_traits< Graph, IndexType > | |
CFEVV::Edge_pmap_traits< Graph, typename FEVV::Geometry_traits< Graph >::Scalar > | |
CFEVV::Edge_pmap_traits< HalfedgeGraph, IndexType > | |
CFEVV::Edge_pmap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, ValueT > | |
Cboost::edge_property_type< const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh > | |
Cboost::edge_property_type< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh > | |
►Cenable_shared_from_this | |
Csession | |
►CFEVV::Filters::Error_metric< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | Abstract class to compute the collapse cost of each edge in a mesh. It also manages a priority queue of (edge, cost, collapse position) |
CFEVV::Filters::Edge_length_metric< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | Concrete class to compute the collapse cost of each edge in a mesh as the edge length (L2).
CFEVV::Filters::QEM_3D< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | Concrete class to compute the collapse cost of each edge in a mesh as the memoryless variant of QEM error (Quadric Error Metric).
CFEVV::Filters::Volume_preserving< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | Concrete class to compute the collapse cost of each edge in a mesh as the local absolute volume error.
►CExact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel | |
►CFEVV::Geometry_traits_for_cgal< Mesh, CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel > | |
CFEVV::Geometry_traits< Mesh, CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel > | OpenMesh specialization of the Geometry_traits generic class. For usage refer to Geometry traits documentation |
Care_meshes_identical::Face | |
CFEVV::Face_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Face_pmap_traits< AIFMesh, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Face_pmap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Face_pmap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Face_pmap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, ValueT > | |
CEnrichedItems::Face_wrapper< Refs, Traits > | |
►CFEVV::Generic_PluginInterface | |
CFEVV::BooleanOperationsPlugin | |
CFEVV::CMDMPlugin | |
CFEVV::CompressionValencePlugin | |
CFEVV::CopyGraphPlugin | |
CFEVV::CurvaturePlugin | |
CFEVV::DecompressionValencePlugin | |
CFEVV::HelloworldPlugin | |
CFEVV::JndPlugin | |
CFEVV::MSDM2Plugin | |
CFEVV::PointCloudCurvaturePlugin | |
CFEVV::ProgressiveCompressionPlugin | |
CFEVV::ProgressiveDecompressionPlugin | |
CFEVV::ScalingPlugin | |
CFEVV::TextureImageDemoPlugin | |
CFEVV::WeightedPCAPlugin | |
CGenericParametricModel< TParam, TIn, TOut > | |
►CGenericParametricModel< double, double, double > | |
CWeibulPsychometricFunction | |
►CGenericParametricModel< Eigen::Vector3d, double, double > | |
CSarkisonCSF | |
►CGenericParametricModel< Eigen::Vector4d, double, double > | |
CDalyMasking | |
►CGenericParametricModel< NWHWD16_Param, Eigen::Vector2d, double > | |
CNWHWD16_Threshold | |
►CGenericParametricModel< Vector5d, Eigen::Vector2d, double > | |
CBartenCSF | |
►CGenericParametricModel< WeibulPsychometricFunction, Eigen::Vector2d, double > | |
CVisibilityModel | |
CFEVV::Filters::Geometric_metrics< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, face_iterator, Vector, Point > | Geometric_metrics is a class dedicated to the geometric distance computation between an original full resolution mesh and a simplified version (a LoD). Two distortions are currently available, the maximum error (Hausdorff distance) and an approximation of the RMSE distance. Note: this code only works with CGAL mesh data structures for the time being |
CFEVV::Geometry_traits< Mesh, Kernel > | Refer to Geometry_traits_documentation_dummy for further documentation on provided types and algorithms (if for example you are looking on what you need to provide when realizing a new specialization). If you are trying to understand what this Geometry_traits class is about, just consider Geometry_traits as a generic definition whose only purpose is to provide an anchoring point for a unified geometry interface. The Geometry_traits template class is used through template specializations |
CFEVV::Geometry_traits< Graph > | |
CFEVV::Geometry_traits< HalfedgeGraph > | |
CFEVV::Geometry_traits< MeshT, AIF_mesh_kernel_generator > | AIF specialization of the Geometry_traits generic class. For usage refer to Geometry traits documentation |
CFEVV::Geometry_traits< MeshT, PCLPointCloud_kernel_generator > | PCLPointCloud specialization of the Geometry_traits generic class. For usage refer to Geometry traits documentation |
CFEVV::Geometry_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< T >, T > | OpenMesh specialization of the Geometry_traits generic class. For usage refer to Geometry traits documentation |
CFEVV::Geometry_traits_documentation_dummy< MeshT, KernelT > | Documentation (as a template dummy class) of Geometry_traits |
CFEVV::GeometryConcept< Mesh > | An elementary concept check Geometry_traits specializations Boost Concept Check Library (BCCL) |
CFEVV::GradientColorMap< PValue > | This templated class may be used to (linearly) convert scalar values in a given range into a color in a gradient defined by two or more colors |
►Cboost::graph_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet > | |
Cboost::graph_traits< const FEVV::CGALPointSet > | |
►Cboost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh > | |
Cboost::graph_traits< const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh > | |
►Cboost::graph_traits< FEVV::PCLPointCloud > | |
Cboost::graph_traits< const FEVV::PCLPointCloud > | |
CGraphConcept< G > | |
►CGUIEventHandler | |
CFEVV::PickHandler | |
CFEVV::Types::GuiProperties | |
CFEVV::Halfedge_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Halfedge_pmap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Halfedge_pmap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Halfedge_pmap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, ValueT > | |
CEnrichedItems::Halfedge_wrapper< Refs, Traits > | |
►CHalfedgeDS_face_base | |
CEnrichedFacet< Refs, T > | |
►CHalfedgeDS_halfedge_max_base_with_id | |
CEnrichedHalfedge< Refs, ID > | |
►CHalfedgeDS_vertex_base | |
CEnrichedVertex< Refs, T, P > | |
CFEVV::Header_handler | |
Cboost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::IncidenceTraits | |
Cboost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::IncidenceTraits< boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor > | |
Cboost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::IncidenceTraits< boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor > | |
CFEVV::Math::Vector::Stats::IndexCmp< T > | |
CBoolPolyhedra< HalfedgeGraph >::Info_Inter | Contains informations about an intersection between a facet and a halfedge |
CFEVV::Block::InnerData | |
CFEVV::Filters::Kept_position< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, Geometry > | Abstract class to represent the position type of the resulting vertex of an edge collapse |
CFEVV::Filters::Kept_position< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | |
►CFEVV::Filters::Kept_position< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, typename FEVV::Geometry_traits< HalfedgeGraph > > | |
CFEVV::Filters::Halfedge< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, Geometry > | Concrete class to represent the target position type of the resulting vertex of an edge collapse |
CFEVV::Filters::Midpoint< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, Geometry > | Concrete class to represent the midpoint position type of the resulting vertex of an edge collapse |
►CKernelT | |
CFEVV::Geometry_traits_for_cgal< MeshT, KernelT > | Many mesh representations of CGLA, e.g. CGAL::Exact_predicate_inexact_construction_kernel and CGAL::Cartesian<double> have compatible kernels (i.e. kernels exposing the same geometry related traits). Hence their respective Geometry_traits template specializations will define exactly the same code. In order to avoid code replication this Geometry_traits_for_cgal class "factorizes" the code that will be shared by CGAL meshes sharing such a common kernel structure. The various CGAL meshes needing simply inherit from this class like |
CLightSampler | |
CFEVV::Types::Material | |
CFEVV::Filters::Memory_comparator< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, vertex_descriptor, Point, Geometry > | Functor object to sort sequential container of Collapse_info objects. It is based on the Spanning_tree_vertex_edge_comparator functor.
Care_meshes_identical::Mesh | |
CFEVV::Filters::MeshFromVectorReprParameters< FaceGraph > | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::MeshReaderInterface< TMeshOutput > | |
►CFEVV::DataStructures::MeshReaderInterface< AIFMesh > | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMeshReader | This class represents an AIFMesh object reader. An AIFMeshReader reads a mesh file (.obj, .off, .ply, .vtk, .vtp, .vtu) and build the corresponding AIFMesh object. Note that some advanced properties (e.g. multi-texturing) may have not yet been implemented |
CFEVV::DataStructures::MeshWriterInterface< TMeshInput > | |
►CFEVV::DataStructures::MeshWriterInterface< AIFMesh > | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMeshWriter | This class represents an AIFMesh object writer. An AIFMeshWriter writes a mesh file (.obj, .off, .vtk, .vtp, .vtu) using an input AIFMesh object. Note that some advanced properties (e.g. multi-texturing) may have not yet been implemented |
CFEVV::MixedMeshesVector | Functions to retrieve the name of the datastructure according to the mesh type |
CFEVV::Helpers::Model< NodeType > | |
►CModifier_base | |
CCPolyhedron_from_polygon_builder_3< HDS > | A polyhedron incremental builder |
CFEVV::Types::MVR< coordP_type, coordN_type, coordT_type, coordC_type, index_type > | |
CMyitem | |
►CNodeVisitor | |
CFEVV::DataVisitor | |
CNWHWD16_Param | |
CFEVV::Filters::Preprocessing< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, vertex_descriptor, halfedge_descriptor, edge_iterator, vertex_iterator, Point, Geometry >::P | |
CFEVV::Filters::Parameters | Parameters contains the compression parameters except the stopping criteria |
CFEVV::PCLPointCloud_kernel_generator | PCL Point Cloud specialization. Refer to for concrete usage |
CFEVV::PCLPointCloudColorMap | |
Cpcl::PCLPointCloudNNSearch | |
CFEVV::PCLPointCloudNormalMap | |
CFEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap | |
Care_meshes_identical::Point | |
CPoint_Int | Point |
►CPolyhedron_items_3 | |
CEnrichedItems | |
►CFEVV::Filters::Predictor< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | Abstract class used to predict position |
CFEVV::Filters::Butterfly< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | |
CFEVV::Filters::Delta_predictor< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | |
CFEVV::Filters::Raw_positions< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | |
CFEVV::Filters::Preprocessing< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, vertex_descriptor, halfedge_descriptor, edge_iterator, vertex_iterator, Point, Geometry > | Preprocessing class is dedicated to provide a list of preprocessings that are needed to guarantee that the following progressive compression will work properly with a "decompressible" binary file.
Cboost::property_map< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh, boost::edge_index_t > | |
Cboost::property_map< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh, boost::face_index_t > | |
Cboost::property_map< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh, boost::halfedge_index_t > | |
Cboost::property_map< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh, boost::vertex_index_t > | |
Cboost::property_map< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh, boost::vertex_point_t > | |
Cboost::property_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet > | |
Cboost::property_traits< FEVV::PCLPointCloudPointMap > | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::PropertyMapContainer | |
►Cput_get_helper | |
CAIF_index_pmap< VEF > | |
►CQApplication | |
CFEVV::SimpleApplication | SimpleApplication is a specialization of QApplication. This is useful if we want to catch exception |
►CQCheckBox | |
CFEVV::SimpleCheckBox | |
►CQDialog | |
►CFEVV::BasePluginDialogQt | This class is intended to provide a help message to plugins dialogs |
CFEVV::CMDMDialog | |
CFEVV::CopyGraphDialog | |
CFEVV::DialogBooleanOperations1 | |
CFEVV::DialogCompressionValence1 | |
CFEVV::DialogCurvature1 | |
CFEVV::DialogDecompressionValence1 | |
CFEVV::DialogJnd1 | |
CFEVV::DialogMSDM21 | |
CFEVV::DialogScaling1 | |
CFEVV::HelloworldDialog | |
CFEVV::PointCloudCurvatureDialog | |
CFEVV::TextureImageDemoDialog | |
CFEVV::WeightedPCADialog | |
CFEVV::PluginDialog | |
CFEVV::ProgressiveCompressionDialog | |
CFEVV::ProgressiveDecompressionDialog | |
►CQLineEdit | |
CFEVV::SimpleLineEdit | |
►CQMainWindow | |
CFEVV::BaseWindowQt | |
►CQMdiArea | |
CFEVV::MdiArea | MdiArea class |
►CQObject | |
CFEVV::BooleanOperationsPlugin | |
CFEVV::CMDMPlugin | |
CFEVV::CompressionValencePlugin | |
CFEVV::CopyGraphPlugin | |
CFEVV::CurvaturePlugin | |
CFEVV::DecompressionValencePlugin | |
CFEVV::HelloworldPlugin | |
CFEVV::JndPlugin | |
CFEVV::MSDM2Plugin | |
CFEVV::PointCloudCurvaturePlugin | |
CFEVV::ProgressiveCompressionPlugin | |
CFEVV::ProgressiveDecompressionPlugin | |
CFEVV::ScalingPlugin | |
CFEVV::TextureImageDemoPlugin | |
CFEVV::WeightedPCAPlugin | |
►CQThread | |
CFEVV::Helpers::SleeperThread | SleeperThread class |
►CQWidget | |
CFEVV::BaseAdapterVisuQt | |
CRawCloud | |
CEnriched_face_base< Gt, Fb >::Rebind_TDS< TDS2 > | |
CEnriched_vertex_base< Gt, Vb >::Rebind_TDS< TDS2 > | |
CFEVV::Filters::Refinement_info< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, Vector, Point, vertex_descriptor, vertex_iterator > | |
CFEVV::Filters::Refinement_info< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | |
CFEVV::RetrieveKernel< Mesh > | A generic definition, that is template specialized for every supported native implementation, allowing for the retrieval (or extraction) of the geometry related information out of a Mesh type (possibly using the respective enderlying kernels of the native implementations when available). RetrieveKernel implementatinos (through template specializations): |
CFEVV::RetrieveKernel< CGAL::Linear_cell_complex_for_combinatorial_map< D, AmbientDim, Traits, Items, Alloc, CMap, Storage > > | Linear cell complex specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class |
CFEVV::RetrieveKernel< CGAL::Polyhedron_3< T1, T2, T3, T4 > > | OpenMesh specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class |
CFEVV::RetrieveKernel< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT > > | OpenMesh specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class |
CFEVV::RetrieveKernel< CGALPointSet > | CGAL Point Set specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class |
CFEVV::RetrieveKernel< DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh > | AIF specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class |
CFEVV::RetrieveKernel< FEVV::PCLPointCloud > | PCL Point Cloud specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class |
CFEVV::RetrieveKernel< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< T > > | OpenMesh specialization. Refer to RetrieveKernel for the documentation of the generic class |
CSceneParam | The parameters of the scene |
CScreenParam | The parameters of the screen |
CFEVV::Comparator::Spanning_tree_vertex_edge_comparator< Graph, PointMap, GeometryTraits > | |
CFEVV::Comparator::Spanning_tree_vertex_edge_comparator< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | |
CStatic_Bit_Model | |
CStatic_Data_Model | |
►CTriangle_3 | |
CEnriched_Triangle | An enriched triangle |
CBoolPolyhedra< HalfedgeGraph >::Triangle_Cut | A structure containing informations about an intersected facet |
CTriangulation< K > | To subdivide a facet. (the kernel K must be exact) |
►CTriangulation_vertex_base_2 | |
CEnriched_vertex_base< Gt, Vb > | Enriches the vertices of a triangulation |
CFEVV::Filters::Uniform_dequantization< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, Vector, Point, vertex_descriptor, vertex_iterator > | Uniform_dequantization is a class dedicated to the XYZ uniform dequantization of vertex coordinates stored in the mesh point map |
CFEVV::Filters::Uniform_dequantization< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap > | |
CFEVV::Filters::Uniform_quantization< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, Vector, Point, Geometry, vertex_descriptor, vertex_iterator > | Uniform_quantization is a class dedicated to the XYZ uniform quantization of vertex coordinates stored in the mesh point map |
CUserParam | The parameters of the user |
CFEVV::Filters::v_Curv< HalfedgeGraph, GeometryTraits > | |
CFEVV::Filters::v_Curv_cmdm< HalfedgeGraph, GeometryTraits > | |
►Cvector_property_map | |
CFEVV::DataStructures::AIF::PropertyMap< T > | |
Care_meshes_identical::Vertex | |
CFEVV::Comparator::Vertex_comparator< Graph, PointMap, GeometryTraits > | |
CFEVV::Comparator::Vertex_comparator< Graph, PointMap, FEVV::Geometry_traits< Graph > > | |
CFEVV::Comparator::Vertex_comparator< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, FEVV::Geometry_traits< HalfedgeGraph > > | |
►Cvertex_list_graph_tag | |
Cboost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::my_traversal_category | |
CFEVV::Vertex_pmap_traits< MeshT, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Vertex_pmap_traits< CGAL::Surface_mesh< PointT >, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Vertex_pmap_traits< CGAL_LCC_TYPE, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Vertex_pmap_traits< FEVV::CGALPointSet, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Vertex_pmap_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Vertex_pmap_traits< FEVV::PCLPointCloud, ValueT > | |
CFEVV::Vertex_pmap_traits< Graph, IndexType > | |
CFEVV::Vertex_pmap_traits< HalfedgeGraph, IndexType > | |
CFEVV::Vertex_pmap_traits< OpenMesh::PolyMesh_ArrayKernelT< OMTraits >, ValueT > | |
Cboost::vertex_property_type< const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh > | |
Cboost::vertex_property_type< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh > | |
Cboost::vertex_property_type< FEVV::PCLPointCloud > | |
CFEVV::Filters::Vertex_span_comparator< HalfedgeGraph, PointMap, vertex_descriptor, Geometry > | Functor object to sort sequential container of vertex_descriptor objects. It is based on the Spanning_tree_vertex_edge_comparator functor.
CEnrichedItems::Vertex_wrapper< Refs, Traits > | |
►CViewer | |
CFEVV::BaseViewerOSG | |