MEPP2 Project
Classes | Functions
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF Namespace Reference


class  AIFCellContainer
class  AIFEdge
 This class represents an edge used by AIFMesh objects. An AIFEdge natively saves relations with its incident vertices (AIFVertex) and with its incident faces (AIFFace). More...
class  AIFEdgeComparator
 This class represents an edge comparator used to compare AIFEdge objects. More...
class  AIFFace
 This class represents a face used by AIFMesh objects. An AIFFace natively saves relations with its incident edges (AIFEdge). In addition, relations with its incident vertices (AIFVertex) are saved on demand. More...
class  AIFMesh
 This class represents an AIF structure. AIF structure can deal with both manifold and non-manifold surface meshes. The faces of the meshes are not limited in degree, thus, the structure also deals with polygonal meshes. To sum up, AIFMesh can handle every surface mesh (and can be easily extended to upper dimensions). The limitation of the structure is that the face with 0, 1 or 2 vertices are unoriented (not complying case). For faces with at least three vertices, orientation is deduced from its incident edge order. More...
class  AIFMeshHelpers
 This class is an helper class associated to the AIFMesh structure. It hosts helper functions that do not rely only on topological functions but also on properties (point coordinates for example). More...
class  AIFMeshReader
 This class represents an AIFMesh object reader. An AIFMeshReader reads a mesh file (.obj, .off, .ply, .vtk, .vtp, .vtu) and build the corresponding AIFMesh object. Note that some advanced properties (e.g. multi-texturing) may have not yet been implemented. More...
class  AIFMeshWriter
 This class represents an AIFMesh object writer. An AIFMeshWriter writes a mesh file (.obj, .off, .vtk, .vtp, .vtu) using an input AIFMesh object. Note that some advanced properties (e.g. multi-texturing) may have not yet been implemented. More...
class  AIFPoint
class  AIFPropertiesHelpers
 This class is an helper class associated to the AIFMesh structure. AIFPropertiesHelpers implements all the basic geometric function used to manipulate an AIFMesh point coordinates, and to compute normals or edge length. Any such geometric operation on the AIF structure need to be realized with this helper class. More...
class  AIFTopologyHelpers
 This class is an helper class associated to the AIFMesh structure. AIFTopologyHelpers implements all the basic topologic function used to manipulate an AIFMesh. Any operation on the AIF structure need to be realized with this helper class. More...
class  AIFVector
class  AIFVertex
 This class represents a vertex used by AIFMesh objects. An AIFVertex natively saves relations with its incident edges (AIFEdge). More...
class  AssocPropertyMap
class  BasePropertyMap
class  PropertyMap
class  PropertyMapContainer


PropertyMapContainerAIFMesh::GetPropertyMapContainer< AIFVertex::ptr > (void)
PropertyMapContainerAIFMesh::GetPropertyMapContainer< AIFEdge::ptr > (void)
PropertyMapContainerAIFMesh::GetPropertyMapContainer< AIFFace::ptr > (void)
template<typename ValueT , typename KeyT >
ValueT & get (const typename FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::PropertyMap< ValueT > &pm, KeyT k)
 Specialization of get(pmap, key) for AIF. More...
boost::property_traits< typename boost::property_map< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh, boost::vertex_index_t >::const_type >::value_type get (const boost::vertex_index_t &prop, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm, const typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor k)
 Specialization of get(pmap, mesh, key) for AIF. More...
Point get (const boost::vertex_point_t &prop, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor k)
 Specialization of get(pmap, mesh, key) for AIF. More...
template<typename ValueT , typename KeyT >
void put (const typename FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::PropertyMap< ValueT > &pm, KeyT k, const ValueT &v)
 Specialization of put(pmap, key, value) for AIF. More...
template<typename ValueT >
void put (const boost::vertex_index_t &prop, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm, const typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor k, const ValueT &v)
 Specialization of put(pmap, mesh, key, val) for AIF. More...
void put (const boost::vertex_point_t &, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &, const typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor, const typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_property_type &)
 Specialization of put(pmap, mesh, key, val) for AIF. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor add_vertex (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_property_type vp, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_iterator > vertices (const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns the iterator range of the vertices of the mesh. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertices_size_type num_vertices (const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns an upper bound of the number of vertices of the mesh. More...
void renumber_vertex_indices (const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::adjacency_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::adjacency_iterator > adjacent_vertices (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor v, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_iterator > edges (const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns the iterator range of the edges of the mesh. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edges_size_type num_edges (const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns an upper bound of the number of edges of the graph. More...
void renumber_edge_indices (const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::faces_size_type num_faces (const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns an upper bound of the number of faces of the graph. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor halfedge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor v, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns a halfedge with target v. More...
std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor, bool > halfedge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor u, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor v, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns the halfedge with source u and target v. The Boolean is true if this halfedge exists. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor halfedge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor e, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns one of the halfedges corresponding to e. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor edge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns the edge corresponding to h and opposite(h). More...
std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor, bool > edge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor u, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor v, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
 Returns the edge with extremities u and v. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor source (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor e, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
 Returns the source vertex of e. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor target (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor e, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
 Returns the target vertex of e. More...
std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::out_edge_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::out_edge_iterator > out_edges (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor u, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::in_edge_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::in_edge_iterator > in_edges (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor u, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::IncidenceTraits< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor >::out_edge_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::IncidenceTraits< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor >::out_edge_iterator > out_edges (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor f, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::IncidenceTraits< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor >::in_edge_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::IncidenceTraits< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor >::in_edge_iterator > in_edges (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor e, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::degree_size_type out_degree (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor u, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::degree_size_type in_degree (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor u, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::degree_size_type degree (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor u, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::degree_size_type degree (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor e, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::degree_size_type degree (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor f, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
 Returns the number of halfedges incident to face f. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor source (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
 Returns the source vertex of h. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor next (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns the next halfedge around its face. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor prev (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns the previous halfedge around its face. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor opposite (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns the halfedge with source and target swapped. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor target (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
 Returns the target vertex of h. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor halfedge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor f, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns a halfedge incident to face f. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor face (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
 Returns the face incident to halfedge h. More...
std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_iterator > faces (const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Returns an iterator range over all faces of the mesh. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor add_vertex (FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Adds a new vertex to the graph without initializing the connectivity. More...
void add_vertex (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor v, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
void remove_vertex (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor v, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Removes v from the mesh. More...
void set_target (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor v, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Sets the target vertex of h and the source of opposite(h) to v. More...
void set_halfedge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor v, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Sets the halfedge of v to h. The target vertex of h must be v. More...
void set_next (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h1, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h2, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Sets the successor of h1 around a face to h2, and the prededecessor of h2 to h1. More...
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor add_edge (FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Adds two opposite halfedges to the graph without initializing the connectivity. More...
void add_edge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor e, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
void remove_edge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor e, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Remove edge e. More...
void remove_edge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor u, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor v, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Remove the edge with extremities u and v. More...
void remove_edge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::out_edge_iterator iter, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
template<typename UnaryPredicate >
void remove_edge_if (UnaryPredicate p, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
template<typename UnaryPredicate >
void remove_out_edge_if (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor u, UnaryPredicate p, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
template<typename UnaryPredicate >
void remove_in_edge_if (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor u, UnaryPredicate p, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
void clear_vertex (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor v, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
void remove_face (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor f, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Removes f from the mesh. More...
void set_face (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor f, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Sets the corresponding face of h to f. More...
void add_in_edge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor e, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor f)
void remove_in_edge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor e, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor f)
void set_halfedge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor f, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor h, FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Sets the corresponding halfedge of f to h. More...
void add_out_edge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor f, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor e)
void remove_out_edge (typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor f, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor e)
boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor add_face (FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
 Adds a new face to the graph without initializing the connectivity. More...

Function Documentation

◆ add_edge() [1/2]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::add_edge ( FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm)

Adds two opposite halfedges to the graph without initializing the connectivity.

Definition at line 827 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_edge() [2/2]

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::add_edge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor  e,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Definition at line 835 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ add_face()

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::add_face ( FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm)

Adds a new face to the graph without initializing the connectivity.

Definition at line 1056 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_in_edge()

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::add_in_edge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor  e,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor  f 

Definition at line 995 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_out_edge()

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::add_out_edge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor  f,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor  e 

Definition at line 1031 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ add_vertex() [1/3]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::add_vertex ( FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm)

Adds a new vertex to the graph without initializing the connectivity.

Definition at line 699 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ add_vertex() [2/3]

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::add_vertex ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  v,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Definition at line 706 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ add_vertex() [3/3]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::add_vertex ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_property_type  vp,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Definition at line 263 of file Graph_properties_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ adjacent_vertices()

std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::adjacency_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::adjacency_iterator > FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::adjacent_vertices ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  v,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Definition at line 217 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AIFMesh::GetPropertyMapContainer< AIFEdge::ptr >()

Definition at line 772 of file AIFMesh.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AIFMesh::GetPropertyMapContainer< AIFFace::ptr >()

Definition at line 780 of file AIFMesh.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ AIFMesh::GetPropertyMapContainer< AIFVertex::ptr >()

Definition at line 764 of file AIFMesh.inl.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clear_vertex()

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::clear_vertex ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  v,

Remove all edges incident to v (to and from vertex v) from the mesh sm Is usually called before remove_vertex(v, m) since this last method is not supposed to do the unlinking with the incident edges

Definition at line 957 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ degree() [1/3]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::degree_size_type FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::degree ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor  e,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Definition at line 558 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ degree() [2/3]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::degree_size_type FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::degree ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor  f,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Returns the number of halfedges incident to face f.

Definition at line 573 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

◆ degree() [3/3]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::degree_size_type FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::degree ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  u,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Definition at line 548 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ edge() [1/2]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::edge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Returns the edge corresponding to h and opposite(h).

Definition at line 345 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ edge() [2/2]

std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor, bool > FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::edge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  u,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  v,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Returns the edge with extremities u and v.

Definition at line 360 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ edges()

std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_iterator > FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::edges ( const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm)

Returns the iterator range of the edges of the mesh.

Definition at line 238 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ face()

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::face ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Returns the face incident to halfedge h.

Definition at line 664 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ faces()

std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_iterator > FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::faces ( const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm)

Returns an iterator range over all faces of the mesh.

Definition at line 679 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get() [1/3]

boost::property_traits< typename boost::property_map< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh, boost::vertex_index_t >::const_type >::value_type FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::get ( const boost::vertex_index_t &  prop,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm,
const typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  k 

Specialization of get(pmap, mesh, key) for AIF.

Definition at line 186 of file Graph_properties_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get() [2/3]

Point FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::get ( const boost::vertex_point_t &  prop,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  k 

Specialization of get(pmap, mesh, key) for AIF.

Definition at line 199 of file Graph_properties_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get() [3/3]

template<typename ValueT , typename KeyT >
ValueT& FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::get ( const typename FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::PropertyMap< ValueT > &  pm,
KeyT  k 

Specialization of get(pmap, key) for AIF.

Definition at line 175 of file Graph_properties_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ halfedge() [1/4]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::halfedge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor  e,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Returns one of the halfedges corresponding to e.

Definition at line 332 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ halfedge() [2/4]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::halfedge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor  f,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Returns a halfedge incident to face f.

Definition at line 651 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ halfedge() [3/4]

std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor, bool > FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::halfedge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  u,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  v,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Returns the halfedge with source u and target v. The Boolean is true if this halfedge exists.


Definition at line 311 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ halfedge() [4/4]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::halfedge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  v,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Returns a halfedge with target v.

Definition at line 296 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ in_degree()

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::degree_size_type FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::in_degree ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  u,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Definition at line 538 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

◆ in_edges() [1/2]

std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >:: IncidenceTraits< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor >:: in_edge_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >:: IncidenceTraits< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor >:: in_edge_iterator > FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::in_edges ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor  e,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Definition at line 508 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ in_edges() [2/2]

std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::in_edge_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::in_edge_iterator > FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::in_edges ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  u,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

For both directed and undirected graphs, the target of an out-edge is required to be vertex u and the source is required to be a vertex that is adjacent to u.

Definition at line 451 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ next()

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::next ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Returns the next halfedge around its face.

Definition at line 599 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ num_edges()

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edges_size_type FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::num_edges ( const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm)

Returns an upper bound of the number of edges of the graph.

Definition at line 257 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ num_faces()

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::faces_size_type FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::num_faces ( const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm)

Returns an upper bound of the number of faces of the graph.

Definition at line 283 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ num_vertices()

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertices_size_type FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::num_vertices ( const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm)

Returns an upper bound of the number of vertices of the mesh.

Definition at line 191 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ opposite()

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::opposite ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Returns the halfedge with source and target swapped.

Definition at line 625 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ out_degree()

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::degree_size_type FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::out_degree ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  u,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Definition at line 528 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ out_edges() [1/2]

std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >:: IncidenceTraits< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor >:: out_edge_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >:: IncidenceTraits< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor >:: out_edge_iterator > FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::out_edges ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor  f,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Definition at line 481 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ out_edges() [2/2]

std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::out_edge_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::out_edge_iterator > FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::out_edges ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  u,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

The source vertex of an edge obtained via an out edge iterator is guaranteed (for both directed and undirected graphs) to be the vertex u used in the call to out_edges(u, g) and the target vertex must be a vertex adjacent to u

Definition at line 416 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ prev()

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::prev ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Returns the previous halfedge around its face.

Definition at line 612 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ put() [1/3]

template<typename ValueT >
void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::put ( const boost::vertex_index_t &  prop,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm,
const typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  k,
const ValueT &  v 

Specialization of put(pmap, mesh, key, val) for AIF.

Definition at line 226 of file Graph_properties_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ put() [2/3]

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::put ( const boost::vertex_point_t &  ,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh ,
const typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  ,
const typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_property_type &   

Specialization of put(pmap, mesh, key, val) for AIF.

Definition at line 246 of file Graph_properties_aif.h.

◆ put() [3/3]

template<typename ValueT , typename KeyT >
void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::put ( const typename FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::PropertyMap< ValueT > &  pm,
KeyT  k,
const ValueT &  v 

Specialization of put(pmap, key, value) for AIF.

Definition at line 214 of file Graph_properties_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remove_edge() [1/3]

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::remove_edge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor  e,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Remove edge e.

Definition at line 858 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remove_edge() [2/3]

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::remove_edge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::out_edge_iterator  iter,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Definition at line 882 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ remove_edge() [3/3]

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::remove_edge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  u,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  v,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Remove the edge with extremities u and v.

Definition at line 870 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ remove_edge_if()

template<typename UnaryPredicate >
void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::remove_edge_if ( UnaryPredicate  p,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Definition at line 894 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

◆ remove_face()

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::remove_face ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor  f,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Removes f from the mesh.

Definition at line 971 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remove_in_edge()

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::remove_in_edge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor  e,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor  f 

Definition at line 1006 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ remove_in_edge_if()

template<typename UnaryPredicate >
void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::remove_in_edge_if ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  u,
UnaryPredicate  p,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Definition at line 935 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ remove_out_edge()

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::remove_out_edge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor  f,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor  e 

Definition at line 1042 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ remove_out_edge_if()

template<typename UnaryPredicate >
void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::remove_out_edge_if ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  u,
UnaryPredicate  p,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Definition at line 913 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ remove_vertex()

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::remove_vertex ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  v,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Removes v from the mesh.

Definition at line 728 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ renumber_edge_indices()

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::renumber_edge_indices ( const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm)

Definition at line 267 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ renumber_vertex_indices()

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::renumber_vertex_indices ( const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm)

Definition at line 200 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ set_face()

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::set_face ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor  f,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Sets the corresponding face of h to f.

Definition at line 983 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_halfedge() [1/2]

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::set_halfedge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::face_descriptor  f,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Sets the corresponding halfedge of f to h.

Definition at line 1019 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ set_halfedge() [2/2]

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::set_halfedge ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  v,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Sets the halfedge of v to h. The target vertex of h must be v.

Definition at line 775 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_next()

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::set_next ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h1,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h2,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Sets the successor of h1 around a face to h2, and the prededecessor of h2 to h1.

Definition at line 790 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ set_target()

void FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::set_target ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h,
typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor  v,
FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm 

Sets the target vertex of h and the source of opposite(h) to v.

Definition at line 740 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ source() [1/2]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::source ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor  e,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Returns the source vertex of e.

Definition at line 387 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ source() [2/2]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::source ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Returns the source vertex of h.

Definition at line 586 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ target() [1/2]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::target ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::edge_descriptor  e,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Returns the target vertex of e.

Definition at line 400 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ target() [2/2]

boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_descriptor FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::target ( typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::halfedge_descriptor  h,
const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh  

Returns the target vertex of h.

Definition at line 638 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

◆ vertices()

std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_iterator > FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::vertices ( const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh sm)

Returns the iterator range of the vertices of the mesh.

Definition at line 172 of file Graph_traits_aif.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function: