BICA 2015 Submissions

The following applies to all submissions (the main conference and other sub-events). After carefully reading the instructions, please click on the EasyChair submission link in the Making Submissions section.

Publication Venues

All the BICA 2015 papers and abstracts will be included in the electronic volume of proceedings distributed to the conference participants (this volume will not constitute a separate publication). Additionally, each article will be published in one of the two official BICA 2015 venues:

  1. A special volume of Elsevier's Procedia Computer Science, indexed by Web of Science CPI and Scopus, just to name a few.
  2. The BICA Journal – an Elsevier journal indexed in Web of Science and Scopus, scheduled to acquire a JCR Impact Factor at the beginning of 2016.

Submission Categories

In accordance with the publication venues, you will be invited to choose from amongst the following categories of submission:

  1. Papers for the special volume of Procedia Computer Science:
    • 6 page research or position paper, including an approximately 150 word abstract. The minimal length is 4 pages. Every additional page should be covered by a fee of 50 EURO at the time of registration. This fee is set to discourage additional pages while not strictly enforcing this limit.
  2. Papers for the BICA Journal:
    • Letters (brief communications of new findings): 3,000 to 6,000 words.
    • Full Research Articles: approximately 8,000 to 12,000 words. Reviews or vision papers may be submitted by invitation only.
  3. Abstracts considered unpublished. Distributed in the electronic volume of proceedings.
    • Stand-alone abstracts: up to 500 words, with the first 150 words constituting a self-contained abstract for the Program brochure.
    • 2-page extended abstract: formatted as a Procedia paper with a 150 word abstract.

Preparation of Submissions

All papers must be prepared based on Procedia templates (Word or Latex):

Please follow the Procedia Computer Science Guide for Authours:

None of the initial submission is required to be camera-ready. However, all final paper submissions must be in a camera-ready form prepared based on the provided Procedia templates and must conform to the Procedia Computer Science Guide for Authors. This is necessary for the production of the combined electronic volume of BICA 2015 proceeding.

The publication venue for each accepted paper will be determined by the Program Committee based on the paper quality, Authors’ preference and Reviewers’ recommendations. All submissions should be prepared based on Procedia templates.

Concerning papers accepted for the BICA Journal: after acceptance and registration payment, authors will be asked to reformat their references in the APA style and upload all figures as separate, high-resolution vector-graphic files, in compliance with the BICA Journal Guide for Authors (this is not required at the time of initial submission). Elsevier will take your Procedia-style submission and manually typeset it for publication in the BICA journal.

For stand-alone abstracts, complementary materials (e.g., a short bio) can be uploaded to help reviewers but will not be included in the conference program brochure.

Making Submissions

To submit your paper, please follow this link; you will have to login to EasyChair as an author, and submit your paper to the BICA 2015 Track:

All inquiries should be emailed to Olivier Georgeon and/or to Alexei Samsonovich.


All submissions will undergo one round of peer-reviews. The category may be changed based on reviews (e.g., a submission to the BICA journal may be redirected to Procedia). Then, Authors of accepted submissions will be required to submit their final version.

Presentation Venue

All accepted work must be presented at the conference in Lyon (FRANCE). At least one registered participation is required for each accepted paper. To ensure participation of presenting authors, the registration fee payment (plus extra page fees, if any) will be required at the time of the final submission of accepted materials.

Presentations without Submissions

Invited speakers are encouraged, but not required, to submit papers or abstracts. Other participants can have presentations accepted based on an abstract only, without a paper submission.

submission.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/16 11:24 by ogeorgeo

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