Call for paper

The Call for Paper can be downloaded here.


With the scope of BICA 2015 covering all areas of BICA research listed below, this year's major thrust will be on learning from experience of sensorimotor interaction. Here, the key questions are:

  • Learning: how a system that has no direct ontological access to reality can construct knowledge about reality based on regularities of interaction?
  • Self-motivation: what key motivational drives (e.g., emotions, behavioral preferences, social interactions) should we incorporate in models of self-motivated cognitive systems?
  • Methodology: how to assess active open-ended learning? What methods can we draw from biology to define and assess intelligent behaviors beyond pre-defined tasks and pre-modeled problems?
  • Models of interaction with the environment: can we define models alternative to the traditional perception-cognition-action cycle?
  • What emergent mathematical foundations can support sensorimotor and other forms of learning?

In addition to these focus topic areas of BICA 2015, we encourage submission of papers in all areas relevant to BICA research, especially in the following areas:


  • “B” in BICA: useful biological constraints for cognitive architectures
  • Bridging the gap between artificial and natural information processing
  • Cognitive and learning mechanisms informed by neuroscience
  • Neural correlates of cognitive and meta-cognitive processes
  • Robustness, scalability and adaptability in neuromorphic systems
  • Neurophysiological underpinnings of reinforcement learning
  • Physiological mechanisms of memory formation and (re)consolidation
  • Representation of contextual and conceptual knowledge in neural systems

Social, Economic and Educational Sciences:

  • Mixed-initiative systems based on inspirations from biology
  • Agents possessing human-level social, narrative, and emotional intelligence
  • BICA in pedagogical, learning, and tutoring technologies and education
  • BICA models of self and their application to self-aware perception and action
  • Representation, perception, understanding, processing and expression of emotions
  • Virtual characters and narratives, artificial personalities and human-compatibility of BICA
  • Agent-based modeling of intelligent social phenomena (are there any?)
  • Applications of BICA technologies in elderly care

Cognitive Science:

  • Perception, reasoning, decision making and action in BICA
  • Combining natural and artificial approaches to cognition
  • Comparison of different forms of learning, memory, and cognitive growth
  • Theory-of-Mind, episodic and autobiographical memory in cognitive systems
  • Introspection, metacognitive reasoning and self-awareness in BICA
  • Models of learning and memory: robustness, flexibility, transferability
  • Natural and body language and its role in intelligence, cognition and interaction
  • Unifying frameworks and constraints for cognitive architectures: the grand unification

Artificial Intelligence:

  • Creativity, goal reasoning and human-level autonomy in artifacts
  • Embodied vs. ambient intelligence: embedding or embodiment?
  • Natural Language capabilities and social competence of BICA
  • Learning by reading, by observation, by reasoning and by analogy
  • Robust and scalable machine learning mechanisms in BICA
  • Self-regulated learning, bootstrapped and meta-learning and the critical mass
  • The place for BICA in tomorrow's textbook of artificial intelligence


  • Mathematical basis for BICA and fundamental theoretical questions in BICA research
  • Alternative substrates for implementation of BICA: smart materials, quantum and biocomputing
  • Alternative approaches to the development of BICA: evolutionary, system-theoretic, educational
  • Fundamental academic, practical and theoretical questions in BICA research and technology
  • Cognitive Decathlon and Grand Challenges for BICA as components of the BICA Challenge
  • Critical mass for a universal human-level learner and a roadmap to solving the BICA Challenge
  • Metrics, tests, proximity measures and the roadmap to human-level / human-compatible AI
  • Leveraging the cloud, world-wide-web, and social-media: possible role for BICA?
  • Cybersecurity and secure authentication methods based on BICA
  • Interdisciplinary research opportunities involving BICA
  • International trends and opportunities in funding BICA related research


Please follow the submission procedure on the Submission Page.


Please check the deadlines on the Deadline page.

call.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/18 11:07 by ogeorgeo

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