The recently created Eurographics 2017 Doctoral Consortium is a networking event that provides PhD students, working in all areas of computer graphics, with an opportunity to present their work and interact with distinguished and experienced researchers in the field, receiving feedback and mentoring, as well as a different perspective from senior researchers outside their home institution. The Doctoral Consortium also allows PhD students to share their work and experience with other students in similar situations. The Doctoral Consortium will be co-located with the Eurographics 2017 conference in Lyon, April 24-28, 2017.

Who should apply?

PhD students working in all areas of computer graphics are encouraged to apply. We encourage applications from students who are about at the middle of their PhD work – the ones who still have time to be influenced by participation in the Consortium, but who already have a clear research direction, and possibly have published some results – as well as the ones who are close to finishing, or who have very recently finished, their doctorate degree, to share their experience and to discuss their ongoing research and future research plans.

Submission Guidelines

Submission website: Eurographics Submission and Review Management (SRM) system.

Template: Format should be in accordance with Eurographics Author’s guidelines.

Eligible Doctoral students who would like to participate in the Doctoral Consortium should submit the following materials as a single PDF file:

1. Research Statement: A 3-4 pages abstract summarizing her/his dissertation research, singly authored by herself/himself. The submissions should NOT be anonymous. The use of figures is encouraged. The abstract should include:
* University doctoral program context in which the work is being conducted, including expected graduation date
* Motivation that drives the dissertation research
* Research objectives/questions
* Background and related work that informs the author’s research
* Research approach, methodology and proposed experiments (where appropriate)
* Dissertation status and a description of the remaining work,
* Current and expected contributions.

The research statement should transcend the scope of a single publication or project, and instead focus on the general research theme or agenda for the student’s PhD thesis.

2. Poster design in A0 size poster orientation: which will be used by the author to present their work at the Doctoral Consortium.

3. Supervisor’s letter of support: A one-page signed letter from the student’s PhD supervisor, that supports her/his attendance at the Doctoral Consortium providing the following information:
* The student’s status with respect to the institution’s PhD requirements,
* The expected date of thesis/dissertation defense or graduation,
* Why attendance at this Doctoral Consortium would be particularly beneficial to the student,
* What contributions the student is likely to make to the event if invited to attend.

4. Curriculum vitae: A 1-2 pages CV plus the list of all publications.

All the four documents must be written in English.

Review Process

The review process is single-blinded. The review and decision of acceptance will balance several factors: (1) Quality of the submission (potential contribution and impact of the research to the field of computer graphics) and the author’s stage of doctoral research; (2) the benefits of the consortium for the author’s PhD research; (3) the author’s contribution to the diversity of topics, backgrounds and profiles that will integrate the Consortium.


All authors of accepted submissions are expected to attend the Doctoral Consortium where they will present their work to a panel of experts (selected by the Doctoral Consortium co-chairs to match at best the topics related to the accepted submissions). The panelists will then interact with the presenter to discuss his approach and provide constructive advices and suggestions.


The student registration is necessary and sufficient to cover a doctoral consortium accepted article.

Important dates

Submission Deadline: January 13th, 2017  28th, 2016 (deadline extended)
Notification of Acceptance: March 3, 2016


For any questions regarding the Doctoral consortium please email the Doctoral Consortium Chairs at

Nicolas Bonneel (Univ. Lyon/LIRIS/CNRS, France)
Belen Masia (Univ. Zaragoza, Spain)