MEPP2 Project
The mesh processing API is provided by the Surface oriented concepts detailed below.
See also:
A type that is a model of desired concept.g
An object of type G
, v
Objects of type boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor
An object of type boost::graph_traits<G>::edge_descriptor
An object of type boost::graph_traits<G>::face_descriptor
, h1
, h2
Halfedge descriptors.vr
A set of vertices represented as a VertexRange
An object of type boost::graph_traits<G>::out_edge_iterator
An object of a type that models Predicate and whose argument type matches the edge_descriptor
type.Valid expressions
Expression | Returns | Description |
Iterators and circulators (CGAL) | ||
halfedges_around_source(h, g) | Iterator_range< Halfedge_around_source_iterator<G> > | Returns an iterator range over all halfedges with vertex source(h,g) as source. |
halfedges_around_source(v, g) | Iterator_range< Halfedge_around_source_iterator<G> > | Returns an iterator range over all halfedges with vertex v as source. |
halfedges_around_target(h, g) | Iterator_range< Halfedge_around_target_iterator<G> > | Returns an iterator range over all halfedges with vertex target(h,g) as target. |
halfedges_around_target(v, g) | Iterator_range< Halfedge_around_target_iterator<G> > | Returns an iterator range over all halfedges with vertex v as target. |
halfedges_around_face( h, g) | Iterator_range< Halfedge_around_face_iterator<G> > | Returns an iterator range over all halfedges incident to the same face or border as h . |
faces_around_target(h, g) | Iterator_range< Face_around_target_iterator<G> > | Returns an iterator range over all faces around vertex target(h,g) . |
faces_around_face( h, g) | Iterator_range< Face_around_face_iterator<G> > | Returns an iterator range over all edge-adjacent faces to the same face face(h,g) . |
vertices_around_target(h, g) | Iterator_range< Vertex_around_target_iterator<G> > | Returns an iterator range over all vertices adjacent to the vertex target(h,g) . |
vertices_around_face(h, g) | Iterator_range< Vertex_around_face_iterator<G> > | Returns an iterator range over all vertices adjacent to the face face(h,g) . |
Handles and circulators (CGAL) | ||
CGAL_For_all(ic1, ic2) | #define | A macro simplifying the writing simple loops. ic1 and ic2 can be either iterators or circulators. The macro loops through the range [ic1, ic2) . It increments ic1 until it reaches ic2 . |
CGAL_For_all_backwards(ic1, ic2) | #define | Similar to CGAL_For_all(ic1, ic2) except that the macro decrements ic2 until it reaches ic1 . |
circulator_distance(c1, c2) | C::difference_type | The number of elements in the range [c1, c2) where c1 and c2 are circulators. |
circulator_size(c) | C::size_type | The size the data structure referred by circulator c . |
is_empty_range(ic1, ic2) | bool | For i and j being either iterators or circulators, returns true if the range [i, j) is empty, false otherwise.\ilinebr </td> </tr> <tr class="markdownTableRowOdd"> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> iterator_distance(ic1, ic2)\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> iterator_traits<IC>::difference_type<tt>\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Returns the distance between either two iterators or two circulators.\ilinebr </td> </tr> <tr class="markdownTableRowEven"> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone">query_circulator_or_iterator(it)\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Iterator_tag\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Matches for type of itif the iterator category of this type belongs to an iterator.\ilinebr </td> </tr> <tr class="markdownTableRowOdd"> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> query_circulator_or_iterator(c)\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Circulator_tag\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Matches for the type of c` if the iterator category of this type belongs to a circulator. |
Associated types
Type | Description |
Graph (boost) | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor | A vertex descriptor corresponds to a unique node in a graph instance. A vertex descriptor must be Default Constructible, Assignable, and Equality Comparable. |
boost::graph_traits<G>::edge_descriptor | An edge descriptor corresponds to a unique edge (u,v) in a graph. An edge descriptor must be Default Constructible, Assignable, and Equality Comparable. |
HalfedgeGraph (CGAL) | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::halfedge_descriptor | A halfedge_descriptor corresponds to a halfedge in a graph. |
HalfedgeListGraph (CGAL): Not applicable to AIF | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::halfedge_iterator | A BidirectionalIterator over all halfedges in a graph. |
boost::graph_traits<G>::halfedges_size_type | A size type. |
EdgeListGraph (boost) | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::edges_size_type | The unsigned integer type used to represent the number of edges in the graph. |
FaceGraph (CGAL) | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::face_descriptor | A face_descriptor corresponds to a unique face in a graph. |
FaceListGraph (CGAL) | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::face_iterator | Iterator over all faces. |
boost::graph_traits<G>::faces_size_type | Unsigned integer type for number of faces. |
VertexListGraph (boost) | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::vertices_size_type | The unsigned integer type used to represent the number of vertices in the graph. |
Valid expressions
Expression | Returns | Description |
HalfedgeGraph (CGAL) | ||
edge(h, g) | edge_descriptor | The edge corresponding to h and opposite(h) . |
halfedge(e, g) | halfedge_descriptor | One of the halfedges corresponding to e . |
halfedge(v, g) | halfedge_descriptor | A halfedge with target v . |
halfedge(u, v, g) | std::pair<halfedge_descriptor,bool> | The halfedge with source u and target v . The Boolean is true , iff this halfedge exists. |
opposite(h, g) | halfedge_descriptor | The halfedge with source and target swapped. |
source(h, g) | vertex_descriptor | The source vertex of h . |
target(h, g) | vertex_descriptor | The target vertex of h . |
next(h, g) | halfedge_descriptor | The next halfedge around its face. |
prev(h, g) | halfedge_descriptor | The previous halfedge around its face. |
boost::graph_traits<G>::null_halfedge() | halfedge_descriptor | Returns a special halfedge that is not equal to any other halfedge. |
HalfedgeListGraph (CGAL): Not applicable to AIF | ||
num_halfedges(g) | halfedges_size_type | An upper bound of the number of halfedges of the graph. See also FEVV::size_of_halfedges(g). |
halfedges(g) | std::pair<halfedge_iterator,halfedge_iterator> | An iterator range over the halfedges of the graph. |
FaceGraph (CGAL) | ||
face(h, g) | face_descriptor | The face incident to halfedge h . |
halfedge(f, g) | halfedge_descriptor | A halfedge incident to face f . |
degree(f,g) | degree_size_type | The number of halfedges, incident to face f . |
boost::graph_traits<G>::null_face() | face_descriptor | Returns a special face that is not equal to any other face. |
FaceListGraph (CGAL) | ||
faces(g) | std::pair<face_iterator, face_iterator> | An iterator range over all faces. |
num_faces(g) | faces_size_type | An upper bound of the number of faces of the graph. See also FEVV::size_of_faces(g). |
ListGraphExtensions (MEPP2) | ||
size_of_vertices(g) | vertices_size_type | Returns the exact number of vertices in the mesh (as opposed to boost::num_vertices(g) that returns an upper bound of the number or vertices). |
size_of_halfedges(g) | halfedges_size_type | Returns the exact number of halfedges in the mesh (as opposed to boost::num_halfedges(g) that returns an upper bound of the number or halfedges). |
size_of_edges(g) | edges_size_type | Returns the exact number of edges in the mesh (as opposed to boost::num_edges(g) that returns an upper bound of the number or edges). |
size_of_faces(g) | faces_size_type | Returns the exact number of faces in the mesh (as opposed to boost::num_faces(g) that returns an upper bound of the number or faces). |
Valid expressions
Expression | Returns | Description |
Euler Operations (CGAL) | ||
Euler::join_vertex(h, g) | halfedge_descriptor | Joins the two vertices incident to h , (that is source(h, g) and target(h, g) ) and removes source(h,g) . |
Euler::split_vertex(h1, h2, g) | halfedge_descriptor | Splits the target vertex v of h1 and h2 , and connects the new vertex and v with a new edge. |
Euler::split_edge(h, g) | halfedge_descriptor | Splits the halfedge h into two halfedges inserting a new vertex that is a copy of vertex(opposite(h,g),g) . |
Euler::join_face(h, g) | halfedge_descriptor | Joins the two faces incident to h and opposite(h,g) . |
Euler::split_face(h1, h2, g) | halfedge_descriptor | Splits the face incident to h1 and h2 . |
Euler::join_loop(h1, h2, g) | halfedge_descriptor | Glues the cycle of halfedges of h1 and h2 together. |
Euler::split_loop(h1, h2, h3, g) | halfedge_descriptor | Cuts the graph along the cycle (h1,h2,h3) changing the genus. |
Euler::remove_face(h, g) | void | Removes the incident face of h and changes all halfedges incident to the face into border halfedges or removes them from the graph if they were already border halfedges. |
Euler::add_edge(u, v, g) | edge_descriptor | Adds and returns the edge e connecting u and v , halfedge(e, g) has u as source and v as target. |
Euler::add_face(vr, g) | face_descriptor | Adds a new face defined by a range of vertices (identified by their VertexRange of vertex_descriptor ). |
Euler::make_hole(h, g) | void | Removes the incident face of h and changes all halfedges incident to the face into border halfedges. |
Euler::fill_hole(h, g) | void | Fills the hole incident to h . |
Euler::add_center_vertex(h, g) | halfedge_descriptor | Creates a barycentric triangulation of the face incident to h . |
Euler::remove_center_vertex(h, g) | halfedge_descriptor | Removes the vertex target(h, g) and all incident halfedges thereby merging all incident faces. |
Euler::add_vertex_and_face_to_border(h1, h2, g) | halfedge_descriptor | Appends a new face to the border halfedge h2 by connecting the tip of h2 with the tip of h1 with two new halfedges and a new vertex and creating a new face that is incident to h2 . |
Euler::add_face_to_border(h1, h2, g) | halfedge_descriptor | Appends a new face incident to the border halfedge h1 and h2 by connecting the vertex target(h2,g) and the vertex target(h1,g)`with a new halfedge, and filling this separated part of the hole with a new face, such that the new face is incident to h2.\ilinebr </td> </tr> <tr class="markdownTableRowEven"> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Euler::collapse_edge( v0v1, g)\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> vertex_descriptor\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Collapses the edge v0v1replacing it with v0or v1...\ilinebr </td> </tr> <tr class="markdownTableRowOdd"> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Euler::collapse_edge( v0v1, g, Edge_is_constrained_map)\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> vertex_descriptor\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Collapses the edge v0v1 replacing it with v0 or v1, and guarantees that an edge e2, for which get(edge_is_constrained_map, e2)==true, is not removed after the collapse.\ilinebr </td> </tr> <tr class="markdownTableRowEven"> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Euler::flip_edge(h, g)\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> void\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Performs an edge flip, rotating the edge pointed by hby one vertex in the direction of the face orientation.\ilinebr </td> </tr> <tr class="markdownTableRowOdd"> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> Euler::does_satisfy_link_condition (e, g)\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> bool\ilinebr </td> <td class="markdownTableBodyNone"> trueif e` satisfies the link condition, which guarantees that the surface is also 2-manifold after the edge collapse. |
Valid expressions
Expression | Returns | Description |
MutableHalfedgeGraph (CGAL) | ||
add_vertex(g) | vertex_descriptor | Adds a new vertex to the graph without initializing the connectivity. Note: signature shared with VertexMutableGraph (boost). |
remove_vertex(u, g) | void | Remove u from the graph. Note: signature shared with VertexMutableGraph (boost). |
add_edge(g) | edge_descriptor | Adds two opposite halfedges to the graph without initializing the connectivity. |
remove_edge(e, g) | void | Removes the two halfedges corresponding to e from the graph. Note: signature shared with EdgeMutableGraph (boost). |
set_target(h, v, g) | void | Sets the target vertex of h and the source of opposite(h) to v . |
set_halfedge(v, h, g) | void | Sets the halfedge of v to h . The target vertex of h must be v . |
set_next(h1, h2, g) | void | Sets the successor of h1 around a face to h2 , and the prededecessor of h2 to h1 . |
MutableFaceGraph (CGAL) | ||
add_face(g) | face_descriptor | Adds a new face to the graph without initializing the connectivity. |
remove_face(f, g) | void | Removes f from the graph. |
set_face(h, f, g) | void | Sets the corresponding face of h to f . |
set_halfedge(f, h, g) | void | Sets the corresponding halfedge of f to h . |
Associated types
Type | Description |
Graph (boost) | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor | A vertex descriptor corresponds to a unique node in a graph instance. A vertex descriptor must be Default Constructible, Assignable, and Equality Comparable. |
boost::graph_traits<G>::edge_descriptor | An edge descriptor corresponds to a unique edge (u,v) in a graph. An edge descriptor must be Default Constructible, Assignable, and Equality Comparable. |
boost::graph_traits<G>::directed_category | This type shall be convertible to directed_tag or undirected_tag . |
boost::graph_traits<G>::edge_parallel_category | This describes whether the graph class allows the insertion of parallel edges (edges with the same source and target). The two tags are allow_parallel_edge_tag and disallow_parallel_edge_tag . |
boost::graph_traits<G>::traversal_category | This describes the ways in which the vertices and edges of the graph can be visited. The choices are incidence_graph_tag , adjacency_graph_tag , bidirectional_graph_tag , vertex_list_graph_tag , edge_list_graph_tag , and adjacency_matrix_tag . |
IncidenceGraph (boost) | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::out_edge_iterator | An out-edge iterator for a vertex v provides access to the out-edges of the vertex. As such, the value type of an out-edge iterator is the edge descriptor type of its graph. An out-edge iterator must meet the requirements of MultiPassInputIterator. |
boost::graph_traits<G>::degree_size_type | The unsigned integral type used for representing the number out-edges or incident edges of a vertex. |
BidirectionalGraph (boost) | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::in_edge_iterator | An in-edge iterator for a vertex v provides access to the in-edges of v . As such, the value type of an in-edge iterator is the edge descriptor type of its graph. An in-edge iterator must meet the requirements of MultiPassInputIterator. |
VertexListGraph (boost) | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_iterator | A vertex iterator (obtained via vertices(g) ) provides access to all of the vertices in a graph. A vertex iterator type must meet the requirements of MultiPassInputIterator. The value type of the vertex iterator must be the vertex descriptor of the graph. |
boost::graph_traits<G>::vertices_size_type | The unsigned integer type used to represent the number of vertices in the graph. |
EdgeListGraph (boost) | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::edge_iterator | An edge iterator (obtained via edges(g) ) provides access to all of the edges in a graph. An edge iterator type must meet the requirements of MultiPassInputIterator. The value type of the edge iterator must be the same as the edge descriptor of the graph. |
boost::graph_traits<G>::edges_size_type | The unsigned integer type used to represent the number of edges in the graph. |
(mentionned in each Graph refinement) were ommitted.Valid expressions
Expression | Returns | Description |
Graph (boost) | ||
null_vertex() | (special) vertex_descriptor | Returns a special vertex_descriptor object which does not refer to any vertex of graph object which type is G. |
IncidenceGraph (boost) | ||
source(e,g) | vertex_descriptor | Returns the node descriptor for node u of the edge (u,v) represented by e . |
target(e,g) | vertex_descriptor | Returns the node descriptor for node v of the edge (u,v) represented by e . |
out_edges(u, g) | std::pair<out_edge_iterator, out_edge_iterator> | Returns an iterator-range providing access to the incident edges of node u in graph g . |
out_degree(u, g) | degree_size_type | Returns the number of out-edges of node u in graph g . |
BidirectionalGraph (boost) | ||
in_edges(v, g) | std::pair<in_edge_iterator, in_edge_iterator> | Returns an iterator-range providing access to the in-edges (CellIncidenceGraph being a directed graph) of node v in graph g . The target of an out-edge is required to be vertex v and the source is required to be a vertex that is adjacent to v . |
in_degree(v, g) | degree_size_type | Returns the number of in-edges of node v in graph g . |
degree(v,g) | degree_size_type | Returns the number of incident edges of node v in graph g . |
VertexListGraph (boost) | ||
vertices(g) | std::pair<vertex_iterator, vertex_iterator> | Returns an iterator-range providing access to all the vertices in the graph g . |
num_vertices(g) | vertices_size_type | Returns an upper bound of number of vertices in the graph g . See also FEVV::size_of_vertices(g). |
EdgeListGraph (boost) | ||
edges(g) | std::pair<edge_iterator, edge_iterator> | Returns an iterator-range providing access to all the edges in the graph g . |
num_edges(g) | edges_size_type | Returns the number of edges in the graph g . See also FEVV::size_of_edges(g). |
source(e, g) | vertex_descriptor | Returns the vertex descriptor for u of the edge (u,v) represented by e . |
target(e, g) | vertex_descriptor | Returns the vertex descriptor for v of the edge (u,v) represented by e . |
Associated types to avoid (whenever possible)
Type | Description |
AdjacencyGraph (boost) | |
boost::graph_traits<G>::adjacency_iterator | An adjacency iterator for a vertex v provides access to the vertices adjacent to v. |
PropertyGraph (boost) | |
boost::property_map<G, PropertyTag>::type | The type of the property map for the property specified by PropertyTag. This type must be a model of ReadWritePropertyMap with a key type the same as the graph's vertex or edge descriptor type. |
boost::property_map<G, PropertyTag>::const_type | The type of the const property map for the property specified by PropertyTag. This type must be a model of ReadWritePropertyMap with a key type the same as the graph's vertex or edge descriptor type. |
Valid expressions to avoid (whenever possible)
Expression | Returns | Description |
AdjacencyGraph (boost) | ||
adjacent_vertices(v, g) | std::pair<adjacency_iterator, adjacency_iterator> | Returns an iterator-range providing access to the vertices adjacent to vertex v . |
VertexMutableGraph (boost) | ||
add_vertex(g) | vertex_descriptor | Add a new vertex to the graph. The vertex_descriptor for the new vertex is returned. Note: signature shared with MutableHalfedgeGraph (CGAL). |
remove_vertex(u, g) | void | Remove u from the vertex set of the graph. Note: signature shared with MutableHalfedgeGraph (CGAL). |
EdgeMutableGraph (boost) | ||
add_edge(u, v, g) | std::pair<edge_descriptor, bool> | Inserts the edge (u,v) into the graph, and returns an edge descriptor pointing to the new edge. When the edge (u,v) is already present in the graph, then the bool flag returned is false. Note that parallel edges are not allowed. |
remove_edge(u, v ,g) | void | Remove the edge (u,v) from the graph. If the graph were to allow parallel edges then this would remove all occurrences of (u,v) . |
remove_edge(e, g) | void | Remove the edge e from the graph g . Note: signature share with MutableHalfedgeGraph (CGAL). |
clear_vertex(u, g) | void | Remove all edges to and from vertex u from the graph. |
MutableGraph (boost) | ||
remove_edge(iter, g) | void | Remove the edge pointed to by iter from the graph g . |
remove_edge_if(p, g) | void | Remove all edges of graph g for which the predicate p returns true. |
remove_out_edge_if(u, p, g) | void | Remove all the out-edges of vertex u for which the predicate p returns true. This expression is only required when the graph also models IncidenceGraph (boost). |
remove_in_edge_if(u, p, g) | void | Remove all the in-edges of vertex u for which the predicate p returns true. This expression is only required when the graph also models IncidenceGraph (boost). |
PropertyGraph (boost) | ||
get(p, g) | boost::property_map<G, PropertyTag>::type if g is mutable and boost::property_map<G, PropertyTag>::const_type otherwise. | Returns the property map for the property specified by the PropertyTag type. The object p is only used to carry the type. |
get(p, g, x) | boost::property_traits<Map>::value_type | Returns the property value (specified by the PropertyTag type) associated with object x (a vertex or edge). The object p is only used to carry the type. This function is equivalent to: get(get(p, g), x) . |
put(p, g, x, v) | void | Set the property (specified by the PropertyTag type) associated with object x (a vertex or edge) to the value v . The object p is only used to carry the type. This function is equivalent to pmap = get(p, g); |