MEPP2 Project
List Graph Extensions concept


The ListGraphExtensions concept extends boost's "ListGraph" concepts (namely boost::VertexListGraph concept, CGAL::HalfedgeListGraph, boost::EdgeListGraph concept, and CGAL::FaceListGraph).

Reference: the following features are provided by FEVV Graph_traits_extension.h file.

Associated types

Type Reference Description
boost::graph_traits<G>::vertices_size_type VertexListGraph (boost) The unsigned integer type used to represent the number of vertices in the graph.
boost::graph_traits<G>::halfedges_size_type HalfedgeListGraph (CGAL)? A size type.
boost::graph_traits<G>::edges_size_type EdgeListGraph (boost) The unsigned integer type used to represent the number of edges in the graph.
boost::graph_traits<G>::faces_size_type FaceListGraph (CGAL)? Unsigned integer type for number of faces.


  • MeshT A type that is a model of Mesh.
  • m An object of type MeshT.

Valid expressions

Expression Returns Description
size_of_vertices(m) boost::graph_traits<MeshT>::vertices_size_type Returns the exact number of vertices in the mesh (as opposed to boost::num_vertices(m) that returns an upper bound of the number or vertices).
size_of_halfedges(m) boost::graph_traits<MeshT>::halfedges_size_type Returns the exact number of halfedges in the mesh (as opposed to boost::num_halfedges(m) that returns an upper bound of the number or halfedges).
size_of_edges(m) boost::graph_traits<MeshT>::edges_size_type Returns the exact number of edges in the mesh (as opposed to boost::num_edges(m) that returns an upper bound of the number or edges).
size_of_faces(m) boost::graph_traits<MeshT>::faces_size_type Returns the exact number of faces in the mesh (as opposed to boost::num_faces(m) that returns an upper bound of the number or faces).

This documentation generated from ListGraphExtensionsConcept.dox file.