MEPP2 Project
A mesh processing filter example

A comprehensive example

The Helloworld example introduces how to define and use a generic filter on a mesh.

In particular, this tutorial filter illustrates the following features :

  • reading a mesh from a file
  • looping on the loaded mesh vertices and
    • reading existing property maps (that are attached to the vertices) like the vertices geometry
    • modifying existing property maps (still attached to the vertices)
  • creating a new property map this time attached to the mesh faces
  • looping on the faces in order to populate this newly created property map
  • writing the resulting mesh to a file

Then this also illustrates

  • definition of a filter (aka a mesh processing)
  • application of a filter to a mesh

Trying out MEPP2 can thus be simply achieved by copying the code of this example and start experiencing/hacking with it.

This generic example is instantiated for the following mesh data structures:

Notice that all the above versions only differ by the respective data structures (AIF, OpenMesh, CGAL::Surface_mesh, CGAL::Polyhedron...) that they respectively instantiate. Yet they share the exact same generic filter code.

Retrieving and using the geometry

The following code snippets assume that Mesh is a given type for a mesh.

The definition of the Geometry Traits type is obtained by instantiating it with the considere Mesh type. For convenience in the following code the geometry related types are then extracted from the obtained traits.

typedef Geometry_traits< Mesh > Geometry;
typedef typename Geometry::Point Point;
typedef typename Geometry::Vector Vector;
typedef typename Geometry::Scalar Scalar;

Having at hand an instance of the geometry proves to produce more compact and readeable code (as opposed to using global wrapping templated function instantiated with the Geometry type):

Mesh mesh;
Geometry gt(mesh);

Notice that the gt object must be bound to some mesh instance.

Using points is done as follows

Point p; // Point definition
Point q(p); // Point copy construction
q = p; // Point copy assignement operator
// Point coordinate component access
Scalar x = gt.get_x( p );
Scalar y = gt.get_y( p );
Scalar z = gt.get_z( p );

The basic manipulations of Vectors are as follows

// Vector copy assignement:
Vector v1 = Vector( 1, 2, 3 );
// Vector copy construction
Vector v2( v1 );
// Vector coordinate component access
x = v1[0];
y = v1[1];
z = v1[2];
// One can NOT overwrite a single vector coordinate component that is
// v[0] = 1;
// will fail. In order to alter one or many coordinate component of a
// Vector one must thus create a new Vector and reassign it:
v1 = Vector( v1[0], v1[1], 999.0 );

Operations on Vectors are as follows

// Vector length:
s = gt.length( v1 );
// Vector addition
Vector v3 = gt.add_v(v1, v2);

Operations blending the usage of Vectors and Points

v1 = gt.normal( p, p, p );
v1 = gt.unit_normal( p, p, p );

Eventually addition and substractions of Vectors and Points

v3 = gt.add_v ( v1, v2 );
p = gt.add_pv( p, v1 );
p = gt.sub_pv( p, v1 );
v1 = gt.sub_p ( p, p );

Refer to the Geometry processing API page for the complete list of authorized expressions related to the geometry.

Accessing the geometry of a mesh

The following code snippet illustrates how to "walk" on the vertices geometries of a given mesh:

// note: g is a mesh object of type Mesh
// create the geometry traits object
// retrieve the geometry property map
auto pm = get(boost::vertex_point, g);
// loop over the vertices
auto iterator_pair = vertices(g);
// vertices() returns a vertex_iterator pair ;
// the same for faces(g) and edges(g)
vertex_iterator vi = iterator_pair.first;
vertex_iterator vi_end = iterator_pair.second;
for(; vi != vi_end; ++vi)
// get the vertex geometry
Point p = get(pm, *vi);
// do something with the geometry
std::cout << "x = " << gt.get_x(p) << std::endl;
std::cout << "y = " << gt.get_y(p) << std::endl;
std::cout << "z = " << gt.get_z(p) << std::endl;

See also Examples/Generic/Helloworld/helloworld_filter.hpp for a complete example.

std::pair< typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_iterator, typename boost::graph_traits< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh >::vertex_iterator > vertices(const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &sm)
Returns the iterator range of the vertices of the mesh.
Definition: Graph_traits_aif.h:172
AIFMesh::Vector Vector
Definition: Graph_properties_aif.h:22
Refer to Geometry_traits_documentation_dummy for further documentation on provided types and algorith...
Definition: Geometry_traits.h:162
AIFMesh::Point Point
Definition: Graph_properties_aif.h:21
Definition: AIFProperties.h:173
boost::property_map< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh, boost::vertex_index_t >::const_type get(const boost::vertex_index_t &, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
Returns the vertex index property map of the mesh.
Definition: Graph_properties_aif.h:108
This class represents an AIF structure. AIF structure can deal with both manifold and non-manifold su...
Definition: AIFMesh.hpp:47
Definition: AIFProperties.h:31