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Videos des projets CROME+/COMODYS

Hybrid metric-topological mapping with real robots

This video presents an hybrid metric-topological mapping for human scene observation with 3 real robots. For more details, see Matignon,d'Alu,Simonin-2017 and these slides.pdf.

Incremental exploration and mapping with a simulator

This video presents our results with our simulator and shows the incremental exploration and mapping with 3 robots. For more details, see Matignon,Simonin-2018, Cohen,Matignon,Simonin-2016 and these slides.pdf.

Circular Multi-Robot Cartography

For more details, see Bultmann,Matignon,Simonin-2016.

video.txt · Dernière modification: 2018/02/05 14:47 de lmatigno

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CNRS INSA de Lyon Université Lyon 1 Université Lyon 2 École centrale de Lyon