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Process 2.0

Process 2.0 demo (powerpoint) available here.

WSDL annotation editor prototype


The WSDL annotation editor is a research prototype to annotate WSDL documents with semantic information. The graphical interface gives access to the input/output message parts of Web services, and semantic attributes can be added to these parts.


WSDL Annotation editor



This prototype relies on Java 1.4.2, the WSDL4J and Jena API for accessing WSDL documents and ontologies respectively, and SWT for GUI. It was developed using the Eclipse development environment.

Practical info

  • Main developer: Michaël Mrissa
demos.txt · Dernière modification: 2015/11/06 10:36 de mmrissa

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CNRS INSA de Lyon Université Lyon 1 Université Lyon 2 École centrale de Lyon