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This is the homepage of kTBS, a development effort of the Tweak team (formerly Silex) lead by Pierre-Antoine Champin to provide a generic kernel for Trace-Based Systems.

Here are some information about kTBS:

Scientific publications

Champin, Pierre-Antoine, Alain Mille, and Yannick Prié. 2013. “Vers des traces numériques comme objets informatiques de premier niveau : une approche par les traces modélisées.” Intellectica, no. 59(June):171–204.

Cordier, Amélie, Marie Lefevre, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Olivier Georgeon, and Alain Mille. 2013. “Trace-Based Reasoning — Modeling Interaction Traces for Reasoning on Experiences.” In The 26th International FLAIRS Conference.

For more information on Trace-Based Systems, see the publications of the SILEX and TWEAK teams.

tools/ktbs.txt · Last modified: 2019/09/15 15:24 by pchampin

CNRS INSA de Lyon Université Lyon 1 Université Lyon 2 École centrale de Lyon