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controler-gmap-object-transformation.hh File Reference

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void setObjectTranslationVector (const CVertex &AVector)
CVertex getObjectTranslationVector () const
void setObjectTranslationPonderation (bool AActive)
bool getObjectTranslationPonderation () const
void toggleObjectTranslationPonderation ()
void setObjectRotationAxeVertex (const CVertex &AAxeVertex)
CVertex getObjectRotationAxeVertex () const
void setObjectRotationAxeVector (const CVertex &AAxeVector)
CVertex getObjectRotationAxeVector () const
void setObjectRotationAngle (float AAngle)
float getObjectRotationAngle () const
void setObjectRotationPonderation (bool AActive)
bool getObjectRotationPonderation () const
void toggleObjectRotationPonderation ()
void setObjectScaleType (TScaleType AScaleType)
TScaleType getObjectScaleType () const
void setObjectScaleCenter (const CVertex &ACenter)
CVertex getObjectScaleCenter () const
void setObjectScaleVector (const CVertex &AVector)
CVertex getObjectScaleVector () const
void setObjectScaleIso (bool AValue)
bool getObjectScaleIso () const
void toggleObjectScaleIso ()
void setObjectScaleIsoCoef (float AValue)
float getObjectScaleIsoCoef () const
void setObjectScaleCoef (const CVertex &AValue)
CVertex getObjectScaleCoef () const
void setObjectScaleCoef (int ADim, float AValue)
float getObjectScaleCoef (int ADim) const
void setObjectScalePonderation (bool AActive)
bool getObjectScalePonderation () const
void toggleObjectScalePonderation ()
CVertex getVertexPosition () const
void setVertexPosition (const CVertex &AVertex)
int FDeformationMark
int FDirectInfoVertex
int FDirectInfoPonderation
bool FDeformationDone

Function Documentation

float getObjectRotationAngle ( ) const
CVertex getObjectRotationAxeVector ( ) const
CVertex getObjectRotationAxeVertex ( ) const
bool getObjectRotationPonderation ( ) const
CVertex getObjectScaleCenter ( ) const
CVertex getObjectScaleCoef ( ) const
float getObjectScaleCoef ( int  ADim) const
bool getObjectScaleIso ( ) const
float getObjectScaleIsoCoef ( ) const
bool getObjectScalePonderation ( ) const
TScaleType getObjectScaleType ( ) const
CVertex getObjectScaleVector ( ) const
bool getObjectTranslationPonderation ( ) const
CVertex getObjectTranslationVector ( ) const
CVertex getVertexPosition ( ) const
void setObjectRotationAngle ( float  AAngle)
void setObjectRotationAxeVector ( const CVertex &  AAxeVector)
void setObjectRotationAxeVertex ( const CVertex &  AAxeVertex)
void setObjectRotationPonderation ( bool  AActive)
void setObjectScaleCenter ( const CVertex &  ACenter)
void setObjectScaleCoef ( const CVertex &  AValue)
void setObjectScaleCoef ( int  ADim,
float  AValue 
void setObjectScaleIso ( bool  AValue)
void setObjectScaleIsoCoef ( float  AValue)
void setObjectScalePonderation ( bool  AActive)
void setObjectScaleType ( TScaleType  AScaleType)
void setObjectScaleVector ( const CVertex &  AVector)
void setObjectTranslationPonderation ( bool  AActive)
void setObjectTranslationVector ( const CVertex &  AVector)
void setVertexPosition ( const CVertex &  AVertex)
void toggleObjectRotationPonderation ( )
void toggleObjectScaleIso ( )
void toggleObjectScalePonderation ( )
void toggleObjectTranslationPonderation ( )

Variable Documentation

bool FDeformationDone

Definition at line 150 of file controler-gmap-object-transformation.hh.

int FDeformationMark

Definition at line 146 of file controler-gmap-object-transformation.hh.

int FDirectInfoPonderation

Definition at line 148 of file controler-gmap-object-transformation.hh.

int FDirectInfoVertex

Definition at line 147 of file controler-gmap-object-transformation.hh.