MEPP2 Project
Coding Style

Coding style : general remarks

Format coding style

Namespace code should not be indented

Even for nested namespaces, namespaces are never indented (we here follow the CGAL way, among others).

#include <something>
namespace FEVV
struct MyStruct // OK
{ // OK
int a; // OK (indentation within code block)
}; // OK
namespace MATH // OK: even when nested, no indentation
class MyClass // Wrong: should not be indented
{ // Wrong: ditto
int b: // Wrong: extra indentation
}; // Wrong: should not be indented
} // namespace MATH // OK
} // namespace FEVV

No "using namespace"

Note: this coding style rule applies to "using namespace" but does not apply to the "using" expression. The usage of the "using" directive for type alias remains a must for templated type alias.

By default the usage of "using namespace" is forbidden. Yet, when visibility is really compromised then the usage of "using namespace" will be simply frown upon (as opposed to forbidden) when restricted to the block where it is used (as opposed to file scope). For example code like

void SomeFunction(void)
bool result = FEVV::Math::Vector::DotProduct<FaceGraph, GeometryTraits>(Vector(interp[0] - a[0], interp[1] - a[1], interp[2] - a[2]), vab) >= 0) &&
FEVV::Math::Vector::DotProduct<FaceGraph, GeometryTraits>(Vector(b[0] - interp[0], b[1] - interp[1], b[2] - interp[2]), vab) >= 0;

can be "beautified" (beauty is in the eye of the observer) to

void SomeFunction(void)
using namespace FEVV::Math::Vector;
bool result = DotProduct<FaceGraph, GeometryTraits>(Vector(interp[0] - a[0], interp[1] - a[1], interp[2] - a[2]), vab) >= 0) &&
DotProduct<FaceGraph, GeometryTraits>(Vector(b[0] - interp[0], b[1] - interp[1], b[2] - interp[2]), vab) >= 0);

No space close to the parenthesis of an expression with parenthesis


  • "Close" means after the opening parenthesis and before the closing parenthesis.
  • This applies to function, control flow instructions,...


void Function1(int a) // OK
Function2(a); // OK
Function2( a ); // Wrong: extra whitespaces
Function3( a, a ); // Wrong: ditto
void Function2( float b )// Wrong: no space before float and after b

Control flow instruction:

if(a < b) // OK
while(b < c) // OK
if( a < b ) // Wrong

No whitespace between a keyword or a function and the opening parenthesis of a control flow instruction


if(a < b) // OK
if (b < c) // Wrong: extra space after the "if"


void Function1(int a) // OK
Function2(a); // OK
Function2 (a); // Wrong: extra whitespace after "Function2"
void Function2 (int a) // Wrong: ditto

Whitespace after coma

void Function1(int a, int b) // OK
Function2(a, b); //OK
Function3(a,b,b); //Wrong: missing two whitespaces

Whitespace around binary operators

int foo = a + b; // OK
int bar = a +b; // Wrong: missing a whitespace after +
int sna = a+ b; // Wrong: missing a whitespace before +
if(a < b) // OK
if(a<b) // Wrong: missing two whitespaces around "<"
if(a < b && c > d) // OK
if(a < b&&c > d) // Wrong: missing two whitespaces around "&&"

Whitespace around affectation operator (=)

int sum = a + b; // OK
int bar= a + b; // Wrong: missing a whitespace before =
int sna =a + b; // Wrong: missing a whitespace after =

Opening brace wrapped to next line and aligned with the block

if(a < b)
{ // OK
if(i == 1){ // Wrong: brace should be on next line
if(i == 0) { // Still wrong: adding a space before the "{"
... // doesn't help. The brace should be on next line.

Keep spaces in uniform initialization and initializer lists

When folding lines, and as a general rule, argument alignment should be encouraged.

void Function()
vector<int> numbers = { 1, 2, 3,
10, 20, 30 }; // OK
void Function()
vector<int> numbers = { 1, 2, 3,
10, 20, 30 }; // Wrong:

No whitespaces before and after member operator

void Function(vector<int> &numbers)
numbers.push_back(0); // OK
numbers . push_back(1); // Wrong: two extra whitespaces

Whitespaces should be after semi-colon ";" and not before

for(int i = 1; i <= a; i++) // OK
for(int i = 1 ;i <= a ;i++) // Wrong: two misplaced whitespaces
for(int i = 1;i <= a;i++) // Wrong: two missing whitespaces
std::cout << "foo" << endl; // OK
std::cout << "bar" << endl ; // Wrong: misplaced whitespace

Note: there should be no whitespace after a semi-colon when this is the last character of the instruction.

Spaces vs. Tabs

  • Use only spaces, and indent 2 spaces at a time. We use spaces for indentation. Do not use tabs in your code. You should set your editor to emit spaces when you hit the tab key. More...
  • Exception to the indentation rule: namespaces should not be indented (at all), refer above.
  • References: Google C++ Style Guide (from which the above quote is taken), Tabs vs spaces, Death to the space infidels.

Encoding and non-ASCII Characters

Encoding must be done in ASCII (the plain good old seven-bit, 128 characters one). Non-ASCII characters should be rare (and duly justified), and must use UTF-8 formatting.** More...


Comments should be in English. This avoids french (or Japanese, or Arabic...) non-ascii characters and will provide useful when diffusing the code outside our organization.

Include guards

Use #pragma once as include guards in all header files.

Text file line endings

Use LF to store line endings** (text files). Do not use CR nor CRLF. Either set your editor to do so or configure git to handle the conversion (git internal encoding uses LF).

Line length

Each line of text in your code should be at most 80 characters long** (except for a very reduced set of... exceptions). We recognize that this rule is controversial, but so much existing code already adheres to it, and we feel that consistency is important. More...

References: Mind the end of your line, The great newline schism, Github's dealing with line endings, CRLF strategy with git (StackOverflow).


QT coding Style ITK coding Style Guide CGAL... Google C++ Style Guide

Naming variables, functions...

Names follow CGAL coding style rules, among which

  • Words in the names of everything except concepts should be separated by underscores
  • Words in the names of concepts (e.g., template parameters) should be separated using capital letters (and thus without using an underscore as separator). For example (code encountered in FEVV/Filters/calculate_vertex_normals.h)
    template<typename HalfedgeGraph,
    typename PointMap,
    typename GeometryTraits=FEVV::Geometry_traits<HalfedgeGraph> >
  • The first word of a class or enumeration name should be capitalized (e.g. Class_name)
  • Function names are in lowercase (e.g., is_zero)
  • Boolean function names should begin with a verb. For example, use is_empty() instead of simply empty()
  • Names of class data members should be prepended with m_. In order to distinguish arguments flowing in, out or in/ouy respect const correcteness.

Naming files

Use .h and .cpp extensions for non templated code Use .hpp and .cpp extensions for templated code Using .inl extensions for files holding implementation of template functions (refer here) is tolerated.


Filters should explictly mention all read/written properties they use in their signature

When defining the signature of a filter, a developer can choose among the large spectrum of signatures ranging in between the following two boundary strategies:

  • argument aggregation: minimize the number of arguments (possibly down to a single mesh argument)
  • argument explicitness: make explicit and separate each required argument

Let us consider the signature of the calculate_scaling() filter that goes

template< ... >
void FEVV::Filters::calculate_scaling( const HalfedgeGraph & g,
PointMap pm,
... )

and gets usually called (refer e.g. to testCalculateScalingPolyhedron()) in the following manner

Mesh m;
calculate_scaling( m, get(boost::vertex_point, m), ... );

and falls into the last "argument explictness" strategy. The argument aggregation version would have a signature of the form

template< ... >
void FEVV::Filters::calculate_scaling( const HalfedgeGraph & g )
// First extract the pointmap from the mesh
PointMap pm = get(boost::vertex_point, m);

where the implementation starts with extracting the required attributes from the mesh.

The coding style choses to promote the argument explicitness for the following reasons:

  • an argument explicit signature clarifies the required attributes (input and output) without resolving at reading the filters implementation,
  • the PointMap attribute of a mesh is a bit of a counter-example because all mesh implementations embed this attribute within the mesh (the mesh and its geometry a bundled together). Hence passing around the mesh suffices. But most of other usefull/current mesh attributes are not stored within the mesh and live aside thus requiring the filter call to explictly pass such attributes as arguments.
  • the caller has the ability to substitute the mesh attribute with any other attribute (of the same type) of his choice. For example one can easily provide an altered geometry (out of the current one of the mesh) and invoke the filter with this alternative data set.

Use repository relative include paths

When including include files refrain from using path file names that are relative to the inclusion file. For example avoid writing #include "../../Src/dir/file.h" (that is a notation relative to the including file). Prefer writing #include "dir/file.h" (relative to repository root or one of its sub-directory). Then use Cmake's include_directories( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/...) to provide the required path information to the pre-processor. This method simplifies the relocation of the included code (in some cases only the CMakeLists.txt has to be adapted) enables to compile both in the developing directory layout context and in a post-installation directory layout.

Avoid using/writing code that is dimension specific

When some code is bound to a dimension then respect CGAL's rule to explicitly have the dimension suffix (e.g. _2, _3 ..._dim)

Avoid using macros

Nevertheless if you have a really good reason (code cosmetics is clearly not sufficient) to define some macro then prefix the macro name with FEVV_.

File/directory layout

Layout of a given filter subdirectory

Consider a filter named CurvatureListFilter that computes some kind of normalsat the vertices of a mesh. The type of the computed normals (named e.g. ListNormType) is thus introduced by the internal necessity of CurvatureListFilter that will expect to retrieve such a type among the property_map that it will be handled over. Indeed it will the caller responsability to create such a property_map with code of the form (refer e.g. to cf generic_reader.h

auto vn_pm = make_property_map(FEVV::vertex_ListNormType, g);

There is thus the necessity for a filter (just as for the kernel) to specialize the properties "local to" (or introduced by) a filter for every type of mesh data structure that wishes to use this filter.

The structure of the CurvatureListFilter filter directory should thus be of the form:

|--- CurvatureListFilter.cxx
|--- CurvatureListProperties.hxx # generic definition of the expected type)
|--- CurvatureListProperties_Polyhedron.hxx # CGAL::Polyhedron specialization)
|--- CurvatureListProperties_<...>.hxx # other mesh type specializations)

Layout of the <tt>Filters</tt> directory

Filters can be sorted out either by the mesh type offering their implementation e.g.

|--- OpenMesh/
|--- OpenMeshSpecificFilter
|--- OpenMeshOtherFilter
|--- ...
|--- CGAL
|--- ...
where OpenMesh refers to the eponymous data strucuture
or sorted out by their name and then specialized with the various data structures (refer to chapter concerning the layout of a given filter subdirectory")
|--- ...
|--- Generic/
|--- CurvatureFilter
|--- CurvatureListFilter.cxx
|--- CurvatureListProperties.hxx
|--- CurvatureListProperties_Polyhedron.hxx

This choice (between either pushing forward the name of the data structure or promoting the name of the filter) is left to the developer introducing a new filter and both Filter naming conventions are accepted within FEVV/Filters/ directory.

AIFMesh::Vector Vector
Definition: Graph_properties_aif.h:22
CGAL::Polyhedron_3< Kernel, CGAL::Polyhedron_items_with_id_3 > Polyhedron
Definition: test_complying_concepts_polyhedron.cpp:22
FEVV::Geometry_traits< HalfedgeGraph >
GeometryTraits::Vector calculate_face_normal(typename boost::graph_traits< HalfedgeGraph >::face_descriptor f, const HalfedgeGraph &g, const PointMap &pm, const GeometryTraits &gt)
Calculate "some" normal to the considered face.
Definition: calculate_face_normal.hpp:33
void calculate_scaling(Graph &g, PointMap &pm, typename GeometryTraits::Scalar scale_x, typename GeometryTraits::Scalar scale_y, typename GeometryTraits::Scalar scale_z, const GeometryTraits &gt)
Scale a mesh.
Definition: scaling.hpp:38
Interfaces for plugins These interfaces will be used for different plugins.
Definition: Assert.h:16
Definition: Graph_properties_cgal_point_set.h:32
boost::property_map< FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh, boost::vertex_index_t >::const_type get(const boost::vertex_index_t &, const FEVV::DataStructures::AIF::AIFMesh &)
Returns the vertex index property map of the mesh.
Definition: Graph_properties_aif.h:108
This class represents an AIF structure. AIF structure can deal with both manifold and non-manifold su...
Definition: AIFMesh.hpp:47
Definition: MatrixOperations.hpp:38
PMap_traits< PropertyT, MeshT >::pmap_type make_property_map(PropertyT, const MeshT &m)
Definition: properties.h:630