Table of Contents

The DIRE Development Platform

The DIRE development platform is based on GATE. This has two implications:

GATE in a nutshell

As presented in the GATE manual, “the basic business of GATE is annotating documents”. This is quite powerful in itself, given the numerous possible definitions and uses of both document (any content) and annotation (any content attached to any interval within a document). However, GATE will only process documents individually and sequentially (so if you need multi-document processing, you have to merge them into a single document).

Relationship between DIRE and GATE

A DIRE-base software can be divided into three sets:

How to contribute

All members of the DRIM team that work on documents are strongly encouraged to contribute to and benefit from the DIRE platform. Those that are not sure how to do so will find useful information here.

Available Plugins

All plugins listed here are available through our repository, located at

Three plugins are currently available, providing various Processing Resources:
