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(DEVL-HR-AmI) ALIFE'2018 Workshop

Cognitive Development, Learning and Representation Co-construction in Human-Robots Systems and Ambient Intelligence Systems

This workshop is organized as a joint event with http://2018.alife.org Conference to be held in Tokyo, Japan, July 23-27,2018.

Date : July 25th, 2018 (Half-day)

Crédit Photo Hoomano

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers interested in developmental learning and bio-inspired approaches for artificial cognitive systems and practitioners from digital industries, robotics and Ambient Intelligence systems, to exchange their knowledge and experiences regarding the question of building representations in human-robots and Ambient Intelligence Systems. The workshop’s aim is also to cross fertilize the exchanges between participants from different disciplines and sectors, around the progress of the state of the art in foundational theories and their potential transfer and deployment in applications in real world settings, with robots and Ambient Intelligence Systems. The workshop program will be steered towards bridging the gap between theory and practice. This event will be backed by the ANR Labcom funded project Behaviors.ai (a joint laboratory between the LIRIS-CNRS laboratory and the Hoomano company). The aim of Behaviors.ai is to investigate new approaches of artificial intelligence, and more precisely developmental learning, to create new ways to interact with social robots to make them more empathetic and able to continuously learn as they interact in “real life” environments.

The program of the workshop will contain presentations from academia and industry on foundational and practical questions related to social robotics.


Consciousness, ethics, and legal system for robots who feel pain

Pain has a different route from the nervous system such as tactile sensation and somatosensory sensation. The feeling that this pain is shared is thought to be the source of empathy. Embedding a pain circuit different from the tactile system in the nervous system of the robot is considered to be not an excessive artificial bias from the viewpoint of biological evolution apart from its good or bad. The sharing of pain sensation is attributable not only to the understanding of the identity of the self and other persons represented by the mirror neuron system but also from the same perceptual excitation and unconscious of the behavior and perception of others through self- It seems to be a source of the tendency to imitate or feel. This seems to lead to the development of morals and ethics.

In my talk, I first review the outline of ideological background on issues of broad mind, including consciousness and free will. Next, I will introduce the approach from the cognitive neuroscience aspect of consciousness and try to formalize consciousness. Reconsider cognitive developmental robotics approaching with a constructive approach as to how the mental function including consciousness has developed. Physical embodiment and social interaction are the keywords, but this shows that this comes from the ideological background shown earlier.

Social Interaction with Cloud Network Robots

“Making Robots More Acceptable” – the words of Professor Gordon Chen who leads ICS (Institute for Cognitive System) at TUM. What exactly is a robot that does not give discomfort to us and we can easily accept its existence as a part of everyday life? Now we obtain capabilities to access ubiquitous information spaces and our human ability and cognitive performance will be gradually enhanced. Robots will also be integrated well into the human life and helping us naturally. They will have rich sensory perception and expressive facial signals, and are going to be social partners for us. We will discuss what kind of “sociality” robots should have from the viewpoint of Human Robot Interactions (HRI). The contents of this talk cross the fields of Cloud Network Robotics, Cognitive Robotics and Affective Robotics, and can be expected to be applied to a wide variety of domains without being limited to a specific area such as RO-MAN (RObot and huMAN Interactive Communication). I hope that this talk will be a breakthrough when designing new generation robot systems and IoT systems.

  • Presentation of Behaviors.ai Project
  • Presentation of Hoomano in Japan.
  • InnoPlay Lab Presentation by Sheir Zaheer and Geuntae Ryu: Deployable Speech Emotion Recognition for Social Robots)
  • Panel : Social Robots : Challenges and Future Directions for Research and Industry Perspectives : A panel session involving participants from Industry and Academia.

start.txt · Dernière modification: 2018/07/21 18:27 de shassas

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CNRS INSA de Lyon Université Lyon 1 Université Lyon 2 École centrale de Lyon