This third use case treats the DatAgora spaces as a place to reflect on Team Science. Whatever the data analyzed and visualized by researchers, their group work would benefit from being facilitated. The Science of Team Science is based on empirical studies from Cognitive Sciences concerning the composition, training, leadership, and management of scientific teams. DatAgora would give the possibility to record researchers’ meetings in order to make them an analytical object of their interactions (audio-visual recordings, activity traces), similar to those in the CLAPI (everyday conversations) and VISA (teaching-learning dialogues) databases. The objectives are multiple; how to support problem solving with complex databases?
- from a cognitive point of view ?
- from a social point of view ?
- from a technological point of view ?
DatAgora will make it possible to track the work of researchers and analyze their dynamics in support of visualizations in order to isolate factors that optimize the productivity and effectiveness of scientific team initiatives. The three previous examples suggest a set of complementary developments that could be mobilized on a custom basis. An illustration could be to study the interactions of interlocutors mobilized around information that can be visualized in different contexts (3D, immersion, screens, …).