
Augmented modeling uses augmented reality to display additional data on the physical model. This allows the user a better immersion but also to quickly visualize different types of data.

CityIO (CityScope)

CityIO is another CityScope experimental framework that stores its city data on a cloud computer and offers to access it through AR (Augmented Reality) mapped on top of a city physical model.


CityIO can be used as a reference for the MAM-Erasme project when an AR enhancement would come to be considered.

MAA : Fluvial mobility

This project have the goal to develop self-governing barge in Europe.

Numerous problematics :

Interactive model

To answer at that issues there are 3 augmented models style : 1. Complexe model : Dynamic water 2. White model : Mapping 3. Virtual model

HoloLens 2

Hololens 2 is an helmet of immersive mixed reality developed by Microsoft. He is specialy use for professionals in there jobs. he utilizes mixed reality for site productivity by providing precise alignment of holographic data on the job site, enabling workers to review their models overlaid in the context of the physical environment.

My Social Box : Wrapper carto 3D

In order to optimize the development time, we would like to have a utility library Javascript of Wrapper type around the iTowns 3D mapping libraries and/or CesiumJS. The objective is to facilitate and accelerate the integration of these libraries by simplifying the APIs and to mount a level of abstraction. The goal is to have a library to use programmatically.This wrapper will also allow us to add a level of indirection between their applications and the 3D library used (currently “iTowns” or “CesiumJS”) which will facilitate migration to another library if necessary. link

CESIR, Civil Security simulation tool

CESIR offers 3 means of simulation :

Augmented reality Apple

Apple has a large Ar platform, with hundreds of millions of AR-enabled devices, as well as thousands of AR apps one the App Store .

Interactive model

Interactive model

Interactive model