MEPP2 is a C++ written ( generic programming oriented) SDK aiming at developing portable algorithms working on
In addition to cross-platform, portability should be understood as interoperability over third party data structure implementations like
MEPP2 offers:
- Abstraction layers (aka wrappers) allowing to indifferently use the considered third party implementations.
- Data structures implementations like
- Generic mesh treatments (aka filters) written on top of the wrappers
- Visualization components like an OpenSceneGraph based (QT widgets) component for
- building derived GUI applications.
- the production of article oriented illustrations
- Tools
MEPP2 mainly targets
- researchers and/or Phd students, looking for portable tools allowing them to
- develop mesh implementation independent (on top of various mesh concrete representations), portable (across platforms), robust and re-usable mesh treatments,
- quickly compare algorithms and their implementations through benchmarking,
- establishing mesh statistics (or quality indicators).
- realize mesh treatments
- Application developers wishing to embed mesh treatments within specific industry tool chain, platform specific interfaces, or full featured applications dedicated to mesh non specialist end users.