MEPP2 Project
Forking, cloning, contributing for project members

Forking and cloning MEPP2 from GitLab

In order to become a MEPP2 contributor, you should be at ease with the following usages of git (version control system)):

Then you can proceed with

  • Connect to your own gitlab account. Then, ask by email to join the MEPP-team by giving your gitlab login name (important) in order to be able to see the MEPP2 repo. As long as a MEPP2 maintainer has not informed you that it is done, you will not be able to go further... For the rest of this inception description we shall assume that you signed in as YourLogin.
  • Once signed in, you should fork the MEPP2 repository (Gitlab web interface provides a single button method for this: look in the upper right section of the MEPP2 repository home page)
  • Then in Settings -> General -> Visibility, project features, permissions (see the menu on the left) set Pipelines to OFF
  • On your desktop machine, you can now (git) clone your fork. When doing so on a CLI you could use something similar to the following command:
    git clone

Contributing to MEPP2 on GitLab

To submit your own code for integration into the MEPP2 main repository, proceed as usually in a forking workflow except the last step (Making a Pull Request):

  • commit your code to your local clone of MEPP2
  • push your local commits to your fork of MEPP2 on Gitlab
  • then push your branch (from your fork) to your MEPP2 master branch (i.e. fll-master) on Gitlab (branch naming rule: first letter of your first name (f) and then first two letters of your last name (ll), example bst-master for Bjarne Stroustrup)
  • open a Merge Request from your MEPP2 master branch (i.e. fll-master) on Gitlab
  • check the continuous integration (see CI / CD -> Pipelines menu on the left) results: if one build fail, fix the issue then try again until all builds pass without error
  • when the continuous integration succeeds, a MEPP2 maintainer will integrate your code into the main repository.