MEPP2 Project
Progressive Compression Filter


The Progressive Compression filter implements the paper "Compressed Progressive Meshes, Pajarola and Rossignac, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2000)" with minor differences.
The progressive compression method simplifies iteratively the input mesh to generate different levels of details (LoDs).
These LoDs can then be transmitted progressively in a coarse-to-fine way at the decompression.
The methods uses a fixed quantization for vertex coordinates.

See the Progressive Decompression Filter for the decompression step.


Parameter Description
Mesh Mesh to encode.
Point map Point map which associated vertices to their positions.
Vertex color map Vertex color map used for debugging.
Edge color map Edge color map used for debugging.
Geometry trait Geometry trait object to apply geometry-based operations.
Parameters Parameters are the progressive compression parameters.
Output path Output path is needed to generate measure path and binary path (when set to "").
Binary path Binary path is the name of the output (binary) file. It is either set by the user or automatically set using output path, predictor, metric, keptposition and quantization information.
Nb max batches Maximum number of batches to apply to get the final (the coarsest) mesh.
Nb min vertices Minimum number that the final (the coarsest) mesh must have.
Batch condition Batch condition (stopping criterion) must be either ALL_EDGES or REACH_THRESHOLD.
Preprocess Preprocess is a boolean, when true removes isolated vertices and edges and then remove vertex position duplicates.
Dequantif Dequantif is a boolean, when true apply a vertex position dequantization after encoding termination.
Save preprocess Save proprocess is a boolean, when true save a mesh after te proprocess step and before the encoding starts.
Output file path save preprocess Output file path save preprocess is the file name given to the mesh saved when Save proprocess is true.

Supported data structures

The supported data structures are: CGAL Polyhedron3, CGAL Surface_mesh, CGAL LCC. OpenMesh and AIF are not yet supported.


Applies to manifold triangular meshes only.



R. Pajarola, J. Rossignac,
Compressed progressive meshes,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2000.