MEPP2 Project
MSDM2 Filter


This filter implements the MSDM2 perceptual metric from (Lavoué 2011). Given a distorted 3D shape and a reference one, it computes a quality score that predicts the perceived distortion between them, as well as a per-vertex distortion map.


Parameter Description
Mode The direction of the comparison. One of: Symmetric, 1_to_2, 2_to_1.
Scales Number of scales. One of: 1, 2, 3.
Color map Fill the mesh vertex-color map with MSDM2 values.

Supported data structures

Only one data structure is supported: CGAL Surface_mesh.


Two meshes must be opened; they both have to be triangular and manifold.


A Multiscale Metric for 3D Mesh Visual Quality Assessment,
Lavoué, G.,
Computer Graphics Forum, 30(5), 1427–1437, 2011.