Depth really Matters: Improving Visual Salient Region Detection with Depth

Karthik Desingh (IIIT - Hyderabad), Madhava Krishna K (IIIT-Hyderabad), Deepu Rajan (NTU Singapore), CV Jawahar

In Proceedings British Machine Vision Conference 2013.


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  title={Depth really Matters: Improving Visual Salient Region Detection with Depth },
  author={Karthik Desingh (IIIT - Hyderabad), Madhava Krishna K (IIIT-Hyderabad), Deepu Rajan (NTU Singapore), CV Jawahar },
  year = {2013},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference},
  publisher = {BMVA Press},
  editors={Burghardt, Tilo and Damen, Dima and Mayol-Cuevas, Walterio and Mirmehdi, Majid},