WelcomeMessage from the General Chairs
Welcome to the 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2014) held at the National University of Singapore on 1-5 November 2014, supported by the Asian Federation of Computer Vision Societies (AFCV). |
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ACCV 2014 continues a proud tradition that began in 1993 with the first ACCV in Osaka, Japan, in which many scattered computer vision events and initiatives in the Asian region were first combined to form a major conference with the scope and quality comparable to ECCV in Europe and CVPR in the United States. It was followed by the highly successful ACCV’95 in Singapore, ACCV’98 in Hong Kong, ACCV’00 in Taiwan, ACCV’02 in Melbourne, ACCV’04 in Jeju Island, ACCV’06 in Hyderabad, ACCV’07 in Tokyo, ACCV’09 in Xian, ACCV’10 in Queenstown, and ACCV’12 in Daejeon.
We offer an outstanding scientific program that was put together by the Program Chairs, and we are grateful for their excellent work. They assembled and guided an international group of 36 Area Chairs, comprising top experts in computer vision, to deliberate and reach decisions on paper acceptance. In addition to the main conference, we also received a record number of 26 workshop proposals, from which 15 were selected, as well as 6 tutorials and 9 demos. We thank all the workshop and tutorial organizers and demo presenters for their proposals and efforts in enriching ACCV 2014.
There are a number of people who have dedicated many hours (mostly in the evening and on weekends) to make ACCV 2014 happen. This event simply could not be possible without the time and effort from the Program Chairs, Workshop Chairs, Tutorial Chairs, Demo Chairs, Publication Chairs, Organizing Chairs (local arrangements), Area Chairs and Reviewers. There are also a number of administrative staff and an army of student volunteers who have worked quietly behind the scenes to ensure the conference runs smoothly. We are grateful for all their efforts. We would like to also thank all authors for contributing to ACCV with their high quality paper submissions.
We are also honored to have three distinguished keynote speakers, Prof. Stéphane Mallat (École Normale Supérieure, France), Dr. Minoru Etoh (NTT Docomo, Japan) and Prof. Dieter Fox (University of Washington, USA), who have taken time to come to Singapore to address the ACCV 2014 audience. We truly appreciate their presence. We are pleased to receive the support from the following sponsors: Omron, nVidia, Garena, Samsung, Adobe, Visenze, Lee Foundation, Morpx, Microsoft Research, and NICTA. We also have very generous support from the Singapore Exhibition and Convention Bureau.
Finally, we would like to thank all ACCV 2014 attendees for taking the time to come to Singapore and participate in ACCV 2014. Singapore is a vibrant, cosmopolitan city-state with a harmonious mix of diverse ethnic groups. Besides attending the conference, we do encourage you to take time to experience the many tourist attractions and culinary offerings available here in Singapore.
Wishing you a pleasant stay in Singapore!
Michael S. Brown, Tat-Jen Cham, Yasuyuki Matsushita
General Chairs for ACCV 2014
Message from the Program Chairs
ACCV 2014 received a total of 814 submissions, a reflection of the growing strength of Computer Vision in Asia. We note, particularly, that a number of Areas Chairs commented very positively on the overall quality of the submissions. The conference had submissions from all continents (except Antarctica, a challenge for the 2016 organisers perhaps) with 64% from Asia, 20% from Europe and 10% from North America.
The Program Chairs assembled a geographically diverse team of 36 Area Chairs who handled between 20 and 30 papers each. Area Chairs recommended reviewers for papers, and each paper received at least three reviews from the 638 reviewers who participated in the process. Paper decisions were finalised at an Area Chair meeting held in Singapore in September. At this meeting, Area Chairs worked in triples to reach collective decisions about acceptance, and in panels of 12 to decide on the oral/poster distinction. The total number of papers accepted was 227, an overall acceptance rate of 28%. Of these, 32 were selected for oral presentation.
We must acknowledge and extend our thanks to those responsible for local arrangements for the Area Chair meeting, hosted at Nanyang Technological University. In particularly we are grateful to Tat-Jen Cham and Junsong Yuan, and their team of student volunteers, who handled the local arrangements and helped everything run smoothly.
We naturally also wish to extend our immense gratitude to the Area Chairs and Reviewers for their generous participation in the process -- the conference would not be possible if it were not for this huge voluntary investment of time and effort. We acknowledge particularly the contribution of 35 reviewers designated as "Outstanding Reviewers" (see page 6 in this booklet for a full list) who were nominated by Area Chairs and Program Chairs for having provided a large number of helpful, high quality reviews.
The Program Chairs are also extremely grateful for the support, sage advice and occasional good-natured prompting provided by the General Chairs. Each of them helped with matters that in other circumstances might have been left to the Program Chairs, so that it regularly felt as if we had a team of 7, not 4 Program Chairs. The PCs are very grateful for this.
Finally, we wish to thank the authors and delegates. Without your participation there would be no conference. Computer Vision in Asia is growing, and the quality of ACCV steadily climbing so that it is now, rightly, considered as one of the top conferences in the field. We look forward to an outstanding conference.
Daniel Cremers
Ian Reid
Hideo Saito
Ming-Hsuan Yang
Program Chairs for ACCV 2014
Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors
