LIRIS CNRS INSA de Lyon Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Université Lumière Lyon 2 Ecole Centrale de Lyon
Equipe Imagine
Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Images et Systèmes d'information

UMR 5205 CNRS/INSA de Lyon/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1/Université Lumière Lyon 2/Ecole Centrale de Lyon

Christophe Garcia
Tèl : 04 72 43 80 96
Contacter par email

Journaux et conférences ciblés par l'équipe IMAGINE


SigleTitreImpact factor(IF)/selection
IEEE-T-PAMI IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence IF 2005: 3.810
IEEE-T-IP IEEE Transactions on Image Processing IF 2005: 2.428
IEEE-T-MM IEEE Transactions on Multimedia IF 2005: 1.597
IEEE-T-VCG IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics IF 2005: 1.457
IEEE-T-IT IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
IEEE-T-SAP IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing IF 2005: 1.008
Signal Processing IF 2005: 0.694
Signal Processing: Image Communication
JASP Journal on Applied Signal Processing
PR Pattern Recognition IF 2005: 2.153
PRL Pattern Recognition Letters IF 2005: 1.138
PAA Pattern Analysis and Applications IF 2005: 0.782
IMAVIS Image and Vision Computing IF 2005: 1.383
CVIU Computer Vision and Image Understanding IF 2005: 1.468
IJV International Journal on Computer Vision
JEI SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging
IJDAR International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition
IEEE-T-VCG International Journal on Digital Libraries IF 2005: 1.457
Artificial Intelligence IF 2005: 2.638


ICCV International Conference on Computer Vision 2005: 1230 submitted, 3.7% oral, 16.2% poster
ECCV European Conference on Computer Vision 2006: 900 submitted, 4.4% oral, 17% poster
CVPR IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2006: 1131 submitted, 4.8% oral, 23.3% poster, (28.1% oral+poster)
2005: 1160 submitted, 6.5% oral, 21.6% poster
ICPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2006: 2200 submitted, 14% oral, 38.8% poster
CIVR International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval 2006: 11% oral, 26% poster
2006: 98 submitted, 20.4% oral, 28.6% poster
CAIP International Conference in Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns 2005: 185 submitted, 35.1% oral, 23.2% poster
EUSIPCO European Signal Processing Conference
ICIP International Conference on Image Processing 2006: 1596 submitted, 53.5% oral+poster
ICME International Conference on Multimedia & Expo
ICASSP International Conference on Accustics, Speech and Signal Processing
IH Information Hiding
IWDW International Workshop on Digital Watermarking
ICDAR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 2007: 378 submitted, 30.0% oral, 39.4% poster, (66.4% oral+poster)
DAS International Conference on Document Analysis Systems
DIAL International Conference on Document Image Analysis for Libraries
GRETSI Colloque du Groupe d'Etudes du Traitement du Signal et des Images
CORESA Journées de COmpression et REprésentation des Signaux Audiovisuels
CIFED Colloque International Francophone sur l'écrit et le Document