Package: existence/
package existence; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import coupling.Experiment; import coupling.Result; import coupling.interaction.Interaction; import coupling.interaction.Interaction010; /** * An Existence010 simulates a "stream of intelligence" made of a succession of Experiences and Results. * The Existence010 is SELF-SATISFIED when the Result corresponds to the Result it expected, and FRUSTRATED otherwise. * Additionally, the Existence0 is BORED when it has been SELF-SATISFIED for too long, which causes it to try another Experience. * An Existence1 is still a single entity rather than being split into an explicit Agent and Environment. */ public class Existence010 implements Existence { public enum Mood {SELF_SATISFIED, FRUSTRATED, BORED, PAINED, PLEASED}; protected final int BOREDOME_LEVEL = 4; private Mood mood; private int selfSatisfactionCounter = 0; private Experiment previousExperience; public Existence010(){ initExistence(); } protected void initExistence(){ Experiment e1 = addOrGetExperience(LABEL_E1); addOrGetExperience(LABEL_E2); this.setPreviousExperience(e1); } @Override Experiment experience = this.getPreviousExperience(); if (this.getMood() == Mood.BORED){ experience = getOtherExperience(experience); this.setSelfSatisfactionCounter(0); } Result anticipatedResult = predict(experience); Result result = returnResult010(experience); this.addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction(experience, result); if (result == anticipatedResult){ this.setMood(Mood.SELF_SATISFIED); this.incSelfSatisfactionCounter(); } else{ this.setMood(Mood.FRUSTRATED); this.setSelfSatisfactionCounter(0); } if (this.getSelfSatisfactionCounter() >= BOREDOME_LEVEL) this.setMood(Mood.BORED); this.setPreviousExperience(experience); return experience.getLabel() + result.getLabel() + " " + this.getMood(); } /** * Create an interaction as a tuple <experience, result>. * @param experience: The experience. * @param result: The result. * @return The created interaction */ protected Interaction addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction(Experiment experience, Result result) { Interaction interaction = addOrGetInteraction(experience.getLabel() + result.getLabel()); interaction.setExperience(experience); interaction.setResult(result); return interaction; } /** * Records an interaction in memory. * @param label: The label of this interaction. * @return The interaction. */ if (!INTERACTIONS.containsKey(label)) INTERACTIONS.put(label, createInteraction(label)); return INTERACTIONS.get(label); } return new Interaction010(label); } /** * Finds an interaction from its label * @param label: The label of this interaction. * @return The interaction. */ return INTERACTIONS.get(label); } /** * Finds an interaction from its experience * @return The interaction. */ protected Result predict(Experiment experience){ Interaction interaction = null; Result anticipatedResult = null; for (Interaction i : INTERACTIONS.values()) if (i.getExperience().equals(experience)) interaction = i; if (interaction != null) anticipatedResult = interaction.getResult(); return anticipatedResult; } /** * Creates a new experience from its label and stores it in memory. * @param label: The experience's label * @return The experience. */ if (!EXPERIENCES.containsKey(label)) EXPERIENCES.put(label, createExperience(label)); return EXPERIENCES.get(label); } return new Experiment(label); } /** * Finds an experience different from that passed in parameter. * @param experience: The experience that we don't want * @return The other experience. */ protected Experiment getOtherExperience(Experiment experience) { Experiment otherExperience = null; for (Experiment e : EXPERIENCES.values()){ if (e!=experience){ otherExperience = e; break; } } return otherExperience; } /** * Creates a new result from its label and stores it in memory. * @param label: The result's label * @return The result. */ if (!RESULTS.containsKey(label)) RESULTS.put(label, new Result(label)); return RESULTS.get(label); } public Mood getMood() { return mood; } public void setMood(Mood mood) { this.mood = mood; } public Experiment getPreviousExperience() { return previousExperience; } public void setPreviousExperience(Experiment previousExperience) { this.previousExperience = previousExperience; } public int getSelfSatisfactionCounter() { return this.selfSatisfactionCounter; } public void setSelfSatisfactionCounter(int selfSatisfactionCounter) { this.selfSatisfactionCounter = selfSatisfactionCounter; } public void incSelfSatisfactionCounter(){ this.selfSatisfactionCounter++; } /** * The Environment010 * E1 results in R1. E2 results in R2. * @param experience: The current experience. * @return The result of this experience. */ public Result returnResult010(Experiment experience){ if (experience.equals(addOrGetExperience(LABEL_E1))) return createOrGetResult(LABEL_R1); else return createOrGetResult(LABEL_R2); } }
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