Package: environment/
package environment; import coupling.interaction.Interaction; import coupling.interaction.Interaction040; import existence.Existence0501; import existence.Existence050; /** * This class implements the Small Loop Environment * * The Small Loop Problem: A challenge for artificial emergent cognition. * Olivier L. Georgeon, James B. Marshall. * BICA2012, Annual Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures. * Palermo, Italy. (October 31, 2012). * */ public class EnvironmentMaze extends Environment050 { private static final int ORIENTATION_UP = 0; private static final int ORIENTATION_RIGHT = 1; private static final int ORIENTATION_DOWN = 2; private static final int ORIENTATION_LEFT = 3; // The Small Loop Environment private static final int WIDTH = 6; private static final int HEIGHT = 6; private int m_x = 4; private int m_y = 1; private int m_o = 2; private char[][] m_board = { {'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x'}, {'x', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'x'}, {'x', ' ', 'x', 'x', ' ', 'x'}, {'x', ' ', ' ', 'x', ' ', 'x'}, {'x', 'x', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'x'}, {'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x'}, }; private char[] m_agent = { '^', '>', 'v', '<' }; public EnvironmentMaze(Existence050 existence){ super(existence); } @Override protected void init(){ //Settings for a nice demo in the Simple Maze Interaction040 turnLeft = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("^t", -3); // Left toward empty Interaction040 turnRight = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("vt", -3); // Right toward empty Interaction040 touchRight = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("\\t", -1); // Touch right wall this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("\\f", -1); // Touch right empty Interaction040 touchLeft = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("/t", -1); // Touch left wall this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("/f", -1); // Touch left empty Interaction040 froward = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction(">t", 5); // Move this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction(">f", -10); // Bump Interaction040 touchForward = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("-t", -1); // Touch wall this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("-f", -1); // Touch empty this.getExistence().addOrGetAbstractExperience(turnLeft); this.getExistence().addOrGetAbstractExperience(turnRight); this.getExistence().addOrGetAbstractExperience(touchRight); this.getExistence().addOrGetAbstractExperience(touchLeft); this.getExistence().addOrGetAbstractExperience(froward); this.getExistence().addOrGetAbstractExperience(touchForward); } public Interaction enact(Interaction intendedInteraction) { Interaction040 enactedInteraction = null; if (intendedInteraction.getLabel().substring(0,1).equals(">")) enactedInteraction = move(); else if (intendedInteraction.getLabel().substring(0,1).equals("^")) enactedInteraction = left(); else if (intendedInteraction.getLabel().substring(0,1).equals("v")) enactedInteraction = right(); else if (intendedInteraction.getLabel().substring(0,1).equals("-")) enactedInteraction = Touch(); else if (intendedInteraction.getLabel().substring(0,1).equals("\\")) enactedInteraction = TouchRight(); else if (intendedInteraction.getLabel().substring(0,1).equals("/")) enactedInteraction = TouchLeft(); // print the maze for (int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++) { if (i == m_y && j== m_x) else } } return enactedInteraction; } /** * Turn to the right. */ private Interaction040 right() { m_o++; if (m_o > ORIENTATION_LEFT) m_o = ORIENTATION_UP; return this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("vt",0); } /** * Turn to the left. */ private Interaction040 left() { m_o--; if (m_o < 0) m_o = ORIENTATION_LEFT; return this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("^t",0); } /** * Move forward to the direction of the current orientation. */ private Interaction040 move() { Interaction040 enactedInteraction = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction(">f",0); if ((m_o == ORIENTATION_UP) && (m_y > 0) && (m_board[m_y - 1][m_x] == ' ' )){ m_y--; enactedInteraction = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction(">t",0); } if ((m_o == ORIENTATION_DOWN) && (m_y < HEIGHT) && (m_board[m_y + 1][m_x] == ' ' )){ m_y++; enactedInteraction = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction(">t",0); } if ((m_o == ORIENTATION_RIGHT) && ( m_x < WIDTH ) && (m_board[m_y][m_x + 1] == ' ' )){ m_x++; enactedInteraction = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction(">t",0); } if ((m_o == ORIENTATION_LEFT) && ( m_x > 0 ) && (m_board[m_y][m_x - 1] == ' ' )){ m_x--; enactedInteraction = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction(">t",0); } return enactedInteraction; } /** * Touch the square forward. * Succeeds if there is a wall, fails otherwise */ private Interaction040 Touch() { Interaction040 enactedInteraction = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("-t",0); if (((m_o == ORIENTATION_UP) && (m_y > 0) && (m_board[m_y - 1][m_x] == ' ')) || ((m_o == ORIENTATION_DOWN) && (m_y < HEIGHT) && (m_board[m_y + 1][m_x] == ' ')) || ((m_o == ORIENTATION_RIGHT) && (m_x < WIDTH) && (m_board[m_y][m_x + 1] == ' ')) || ((m_o == ORIENTATION_LEFT) && (m_x > 0) && (m_board[m_y][m_x - 1] == ' '))) { enactedInteraction = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("-f",0); } return enactedInteraction; } /** * Touch the square to the right. * Succeeds if there is a wall, fails otherwise. */ private Interaction040 TouchRight() { Interaction040 enactedInteraction = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("\\t",0); if (((m_o == ORIENTATION_UP) && (m_x > 0) && (m_board[m_y][m_x + 1] == ' ')) || ((m_o == ORIENTATION_DOWN) && (m_x < WIDTH) && (m_board[m_y][m_x - 1] == ' ')) || ((m_o == ORIENTATION_RIGHT) && (m_y < HEIGHT) && (m_board[m_y + 1][m_x] == ' ')) || ((m_o == ORIENTATION_LEFT) && (m_y > 0) && (m_board[m_y - 1][m_x] == ' '))) {enactedInteraction = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("\\f",0); } return enactedInteraction; } /** * Touch the square forward. * Succeeds if there is a wall, fails otherwise */ private Interaction040 TouchLeft() { Interaction040 enactedInteraction = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("/t",0); if (((m_o == ORIENTATION_UP) && (m_x > 0) && (m_board[m_y][m_x - 1] == ' ')) || ((m_o == ORIENTATION_DOWN) && (m_x < WIDTH) && (m_board[m_y][m_x + 1] == ' ')) || ((m_o == ORIENTATION_RIGHT) && (m_y > 0) && (m_board[m_y - 1][m_x] == ' ')) || ((m_o == ORIENTATION_LEFT) && (m_y < HEIGHT) && (m_board[m_y + 1][m_x] == ' '))) {enactedInteraction = this.getExistence().addOrGetPrimitiveInteraction("/f",0);} return enactedInteraction; } }
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