


Publications about D3KODE :

  1. Puce Patent and software to cite : http://liris.cnrs.fr/publis/?id=6138

  1. Puce Publications about the PhD of Olivier CHAMPALLE (French) : http://liris.cnrs.fr/publis?author=3052&mode=liste

  1. Puce Master’s report of Dino COSMAS (French) : http://dumas.ccsd.cnrs.fr/dumas-00835960

Source code of the modules of D3KODE :

  1. Puce d3kode and SparqlEngine_1.1

  1. Puce Hsqldb

  1. Puce kernel for Trace-Based Systems (version used by D3KODE)

  1. Puce ktbs4j