
Architecture overview


The application server of D3KODE is Apache TOMCAT and the framework Struts2 is used for the presentation and visualization of M-trace levels (Modelled Trace).

The storage of M-Trace (Model and Data) and transformation models and rules is based on the kTBS (kernel for Trace Base System).

The kTBS is a Trace-Based Management System architecture developed by the SILEX team. Data of the kTBS are encoded in RDF (Resource Description Framework). The transformation rules, for abstracting the M-Traces, are written in SPARQL1.1.

D3KODE is multi-user and multi-language (for now English and French). Other languages could easily be added by editing the D3KODE.war file.

D3KODE is built on a MVC architecture (Model View Controller) with the aim of facilitating improvement and adding new functionalities.

D3KODE is composed of several «modules» :

  1. 1.  D3KODE.war : principal module to deploy on TOMCAT server.

  1. 2.  ktbs-4j.jar : API to communicate with kTBS.

  1. 3.  kTBS : version of the kTBS used by D3KODE is no longer maintain ... but it works well ! It’s here to download it.

  1. 4.  SparqlEngine_1.1 : sparql 1.1 query executor. Enable the kTBS version used by D3KODE to execute requests in SPARQL1.1.

  1. 5.  HSQLDB + hsqldb.jar : relational database used for user right management.

Installation of D3KODE could be long, a Virtual Machine and a user guide were built to easily use D3KODE (back to home page to download them)