Cybersecurity Collaboratory


Cyberspace Threat Identification, Analysis and Proactive Response

Authorization Policies for Materialized Views (Sarah Naït Bahloul, Emmanuel Coquery, Mohand-Saïd Hacid)


We propose a novel approach to facilitate the administration of access control policies to ensure the confidentiality of data at the level of materialized views. A materialized view stores both the definition of the view and the rows resulting from the execution of the view. We propose to automatically generating from access control policies defined over base relations, the access control policies that are needed to control access to materialized views. We are dealing with this problem by resorting to an adaptation of query rewriting techniques to the security context. We choose to express fine-grained access control through authorization views.

A short bio

Sarah Naït Bahloul is currently a Ph.D Student, in BD team, at the LIRIS laboratory, in Lyon.

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