Equipe BD
Equipe BD
Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Images et Systèmes d'information
UMR 5205 CNRS/INSA de Lyon/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1/Université Lumière Lyon 2/Ecole Centrale de Lyon

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Thinking and Building together a Sustainable City

Friday, January 25, 2019 - 12:45 to 13:45
Insa-Lyon, bât. B.Pascal, salle de réunion du Liris

Cities have played a significant role in the development of a country. People from diverse backgrounds and expertise come together and contribute towards building a unique identity of a city. Nevertheless, lessons from the development of cities cannot be ignored since they not only help to preserve the identity of a city but also serve as guiding principles to solve the future challenges of building sustainable and durable cities in other regions. Urban city modeling and its evolution is a multidisciplinary field, requiring participation of researchers from geometry, data science, geography, historians and urban planning. Additionally, citizens can also participate in the form of data contributions to the city model in the form of old photographs, postal cards, newspaper articles etc. Building a generic nD virtual city models using interoperable standards is a challenging task. It requires understanding the needs of the various categories of users like historians, urban planners, tourists, proposing interoperable extensions, managing the available information and propose visualization techniques to reduce the information overload. This talk will give an overview of our past published research works towards this direction: 1. Representation, management and visualization of documents in a virtual urban environment and 2. Representation and management of concurrent points of views of urban fabric. This will finally be concluded with a brief description on our current research problems like scalability, data quality and data validation in a virtual urban environment.