The 1st Workshop on

Privacy Management in the Cyberspace

PMC 2020

In conjucntion with the 20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining IEEE ICDM 2020

Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), mobile and Internet technologies have been progressively reshaping our lives over the past few years. The applications of IoT and cyber-physical systems touch today almost all aspects of our daily lives including healthcare (e.g., remote patient monitoring environments), leisure (e.g., smart entertainment spaces), and work (e.g., smart manufacturing, asset management). For many of us, social media has become the rule rather than the exception as the way to interact, socialize and exchange information. AI powered systems have become a reality and started to affect our lives in important ways. These systems and services collect huge amounts of data about us and exploit it for various purposes that could affect positively and negatively our lives. Even though most of these systems employ data and privacy protection mechanisms, data misuse incidents keep making the headlines (e.g., the case of Facebook-Cambridge Analytica).

In this new digital world, privacy of end users is becoming a fundamental aspect to consider when the system / service / software is designed, implemented and operationalized. The user should be supported to understand how their data is collected, processed, analyzed, stored, accessed and kept safe. They should also be able to exert their fundamental rights (as specified in applicable data protection lows e.g., GDPR, CCPA) such as controlling what is collected about them, when and where, for what purposes collected data can be exploited and the right to be forgotten. The users should also be provided with a transparent view into the system to verify, at any point of time, how their data is processed and exploited. 

The goal of this workshop is to collect recent advances, innovations and practices in data and knowledge engineering for building security and privacy protection systems, techniques and solutions that provide effective data and privacy protection for users and contribute to increase their trust in the cyberspace. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Deadline: August 24, 2020

Inclusion in Journal Special Issues: 

A selection of high quality papers will be invited to submit an extended version to special issues in Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA), ACM Transactions on Data and Quality Information, and possibly Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS).

Submission site



General Chairs

Programme Chairs

To be defined
To be defined


ICDM 2020:20th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining November 17-20, 2020, Sorrento, Italy